The New York Times devoted shocking coverage to …


US nears 500,000 deaths from coronavirus and newspaper The New York Times chose to describe the situation with a shocking cover. Each dot on her Sunday cover represents a life lost by covid-19 in the country. As we go down the page and advance chronologically, the deaths increase, passing through a gradient of gray until reaching a block of black ink which represents the cumulative number of victims in recent weeks. .

Based on the health disaster inherited from former President Donald Trump, the new administration led by Joe Biden claims to be making improvements in the management of the pandemic. In one of his Sunday articles, the New York Times raised that Americans who lost their lives to COVID-19 outnumber those who died on the battlefields of WWI, WWII and Vietnam combined. In the same vein, the country’s main epidemiologist, Anthony Fauci, assured: “Half a million dead is terrible. It’s historic. We haven’t seen anything like it since the 1918 flu.”


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