The New York Times has compiled all the mistakes of Facebook in a video for his 15 years


The New York Times imitated one of Facebook's tools to attract the attention of the social network, share a "nostalgic" birthday video who seeks to highlight the multiple mistakes of the company.

The video lasts just under two minutes and congratulates Mark Zuckerberg for turning Facebook into an online giant and enriching it, but especially emphasizes his problems of privacy, hacking, hate speech, violence and others.

"Congratulations, Facebook! Today, 15 years – and what a mountain of emotions we live in" reads the message put forward on the newspaper's opinion page and on Twitter, with the style of videos broadcast on the social network .

Happy birthday, Facebook! 15 years of today – and what a roller coaster it was! We have created a video for the anniversary of friendship for Mark Zuckerberg to mark this day.

– Opinion on the NYT (@nytopinion) February 5, 2019

"We have created a friendly anniversary video for Mark Zuckerberg to celebrate this day," he said. The video, only on Twitter, has already been viewed more than 800,000 times.

It includes a series of messages in which you can read: "It seems that you have delivered the data of your users", or" well, at least it was not so bad ", referring to their net profits of $ 55,000 million.

Although his company faces a wave of criticism for allegations of manipulation, misinformation, abuse and other social ills, Zuckerberg said it would be a mistake to "overemphasize negative impacts". "social networks and the Internet.

The co-founder and CEO of the company acknowledged that he had to redouble his efforts to restore confidence and highlight misinformation and abuse. He repeated on Monday his promise to spend more money on "security".

His statements come 15 years after he and his colleagues at Harvard University founded what is known as the "facebook" (face album) and began the mission, according to Zuckerberg himself, of "connecting the world." ".


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