The nine Argentines still do not show up after the collapse – News


The nine Argentines who were staying in the collapsed building in Miami have still not appeared on Saturday and nothing is known since the day of the tragic event.

Sources from Argentina’s Foreign Ministry confirmed Argentinian news that until this Saturday morning, there was no news of the missing persons.

It is about a family of four members to which is added a Uruguayan relative; another family of three; and two other people.

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So far, the names of Andrés Galfrascoli, a 44-year-old surgeon; his partner Fabián Núñez, 55; and their daughter, 5; and another person would be Manuel Lafont.

Meanwhile, the other family about which nothing has been known since Thursday morning is composed of the architect Andrea Cattarossi; his sister Graciela, photographer; and her 6 year old daughter; and the parents of both, Gino Cattarosi, 86; and Graciela, 82.

It also turned out that when the building collapsed, the family was on the fifth floor of the Champlain South Tower.

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Argentinian consul in Miami, Leandro Fernández Suárez, said in press statements on Friday that they are “in contact with the authorities” and that they have already engaged in dialogue “with Argentines who are in buildings neighbors and also with Argentines who were in the building and they were able to leave because they were entering at the time of the collapse. ”

Rescuers at the demolished property in the town of Surfside, north of Miami Beach, in South Florida, continued their arduous search and rescue duties this Saturday morning, despite a dangerous underground fire.

The troops continued to make strenuous efforts to try to find people in the ruins of the building.

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In the last hours of Saturday, rescuers encountered additional difficulties when a fire broke out under the rubble.

Although the origin of the fire is not known, it has been speculated, according to The Miami Herald, with which it was produced by the fuel spilled from the crushed cars.


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