The Nobel Prize for the economy was awarded to three researchers who designed the recipe against poverty in the world


"The research conducted by the 2019 economics laureates has significantly improved our ability to fight global poverty," said the Academy after publishing these names.

In just two decades time, his new experiential approach has transformed the economics of development, which is now a booming field of research, the organization added. arguing his decision. "More than 700 million people still live with extremely low incomes.Every year, five million children die before their fifth birthday, often from diseases that could be prevented or cured with relatively inexpensive and simple treatments."says the Academy.

This year's laureates have introduced a new approach to obtain "reliable answers" on the best ways to fight poverty in the world: they have divided this issue into smaller and more manageable issues, such as more effective in improving children's health.

In the mid-1990s, economics laureate Michael Kremer and his colleagues showed how powerful an experiment-based approach can be, using fieldwork to test various interventions that could 39, improve academic achievement in western Kenya. .

Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo have often conducted similar studies on other topics with Michael Kremer and in other countries, including India.experimental research methods completely dominate the economics of development "says the Academy.

He added that the laureates had significantly improved their ability to fight poverty in practice: "Through one of their studies, more than 5 million Indian children have benefited from tutoring programs in the United States. schools. "

The award, which bears the official name of the award of the Bank of Sweden in economics to the memory of Alfred Nobel; The prize was not created by the founder of the awards, but is considered part of the contest.

The prize was created in 1968 by the Swedish central bank Riksbanken and the first winner was selected a year later.


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