The nocturnal shouts in Santa Fe cause panic among neighbors: they think it's La Llorona


May 30, 2019
– 10:05

In recent days, viral videos have been viralized on social networks, where screams are heard in the city of María Juana. The inhabitants, terrified, do not come out of their astonishment and believe that it is the mythological specter

The myth of "The Llorona" It is well known throughout Latin America and in the last days of Marie-Jeanne, a city of Santa Fethey say he walks the streets at night. This is due to heartbreaking tears and crying that neighbors have recorded with their mobile phone.

These lamentations, they say, appear in the middle of the night for no apparent reason.

This small town of five thousand inhabitants is 129 kilometers from the capital Santa Fe. Now the city is in a state of maximum alert every night, waiting for the lamentations to break the silence and disturb the sleep of calm for the villagers.


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