The notebooks bribes: confirms the prosecutor Stornelli to the cause


The prosecutor Carlos Stornelli

The Federal Chamber of Buenos Aires confirmed the prosecutor

Carlos Stornelli

as a researcher of the cause of

the notebooks

rejecting two challenges raised in this case.

The judge of the court of appeal, Leopoldo Bruglia, upheld the decisions of the judge

Claudio Bonadio

in which the possibility of separating Stornelli from the cause of the notebooks was rejected.

The challenges were made by the former Planning Secretary of the Ministry of Planning, who had been arrested.

Roberto Baratta,

and by the lawyer José Manuel Ubeira, who defends the former head of the binational entity Yacyretá, Oscar Thomas, in the cause of the notebooks.

Baratta and Ubeira both raised Stornelli's objection on the grounds that the prosecutor is called upon to investigate a case in which they are both alleged and complaining victims:
the case of Alessio pending before the Federal Court of Dolores.

The fake lawyer, Marcelo D'Alessio, is accused of joining an illegal badociation that has conducted operations that allegedly affected Ubeira and Baratta. In this investigation, Stornelli was summoned to an investigation, accused of having claimed information to the accused.

In the case of Ubeira's challenge, Bruglia J. stated that his refusal corresponded because, in the case of the Stornelli notebooks, he was investigating Thomas and not his lawyer.

"It is not noted in this case that the reasons given to support Stumelli's challenge describe a circumstance that directly affects Defendant Thomas and places him specifically in the cases foreseen for the Institute. This is the reason, "he said.

"The accused's lawyer does not meet the legal requirements to promote the attempt to challenge, the defense attorney not being part of the concept of". "and the appellant's hypothesis regarding possible indirect harm to human rights." Thomas finds no correlation in the concrete factual references that allow him to be accredited, "noted the judge. .

Ubeira had argued that, in the case of Dolores, certain documents infer that Stornelli appealed to D'Alessio to ask him to help realize a hidden camera and thereby harm him.

In the case of Baratta's proposed challenge, Bruglia argued that she had been well dismissed as she had not proved that Attorney Stornelli had had any attitude towards him. accused who deserved his dismissal.

Telam Agency.



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