The Notre-Dame brûlée cathedral: the whole planet cries


A catastrophic fire hit yesterday the high-rise areas of the Notre-Dame Cathedral, while restorations were underway, putting at risk one of the greatest architectural treasures of the Western world in front of the astonished eyes of tourists and tourists. Parisians.

The fire destroyed the spire of the cathedral and extended to one of its iconic rectangular towers, but the Parisian fire chief, Jean-Claude Gallet, said the structure of the cathedral Pregnant had been saved thanks extended to the northern bell tower area.

The 12th century cathedral houses priceless works of art and is one of the world's most famous tourist attractions, immortalized in Victor Hugo's novel. Notre Dame of Paris, from 1831.

Flames Notre-Dame, located on an island of the Seine, burned for several hours. At the moment of taking this picture, the tower called "La Aguja" had already collapsed.

L & # 39; origin

The cause of the fire is still unknown, but the French press reported that a Paris fire brigade had indicated that the fire "could be linked" to a renovation project of 6 , $ 8 million on the church steeple. with 250 tons of lead.

The prosecution found it to be arson or possible motives related to terrorism.

When the needle fell, the sky was lit up with orange flames from the roof behind the nave of the cathedral, one of the most visited places in the world. Hundreds of people have cluttered the bridges around the island where the structure is located, watching, incredulous, huge columns of smoke.

At night, there were indications that the fire was giving way.


While the cathedral was burning, the Parisians gathered to pray in front of the Saint Julien les Pauvres church, on the other side of the river, in front of Notre Dame, while the flames lit up the sky behind them.

Built between the 12th and 13th centuries, Notre-Dame is the most famous Gothic cathedral of the medieval era, as well as one of the most appreciated structures in the world. Located on Ile de la Cité, an island of the Seine, the architecture of the cathedral is distinguished by its gargoyles and flying buttresses.

Among the most recognized works of art inside its interior are its three rosettes located at the top of the west, north and south sides of the structure.

Its precious treasures also include a Catholic relic: the crown of thorns, which is only rarely exposed, including on Fridays during Lent.

The French historian Camille Pascal said: "The cathedral has been guarding Paris for 800 years, events that have been happy and unhappy for centuries have been marked by the bells of Notre-Dame, and we can only be horrified by what we see. . "

Reactions quickly appeared around the world. The Vatican issued a statement in which he expressed his shock and sadness at the "terrible fire that devastated Notre-Dame Cathedral, a symbol of Christianity in France and in the world".

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, said: "I pray to ask the intercession of Our Lady, Our Lady, for the cathedral in the heart of Paris and for the civilization that is now burning. this beautiful house of prayer and protects firefighters who fight the fire. "

The main relics were at the shelter

The voice of alarm has precipitated the rescue tasks.

treasures The rector of the temple, Archbishop Chauvet, badured that the main relics could be saved, among which the crown of thorns of Christ.

The treasure was not touched, but some of the largest altarpieces, which could not be saved.

The damage is immeasurable, objects such as stained glbad windows, gargoyles and a large number of historical objects have been lost, impossible to recover.

Destroyed The first pictures of the church interior show the damage.

Macron said that the church would be rebuilt and asked for help

After the first hours of uncertainty, the French authorities indicated that everything indicated that the structure of Notre Dame Cathedral was not in danger, so that hopes of reconstruction were immediately postponed.

"I'm sad to see how some of us are all burning," President Emmanuel Macron wrote on his Twitter account. Shortly after, on the esplanade of the temple, the president said, "We will rebuild it."

"A national subscription will be launched outside our borders to attract all the necessary talent for the rebuilding of Notre Dame.Because it is what the French expect and deserve, Notre Dame is our history, our literature", said the president, excited.

He also appealed for donations to finance the work. His concern was that of the whole country, while the messages of support and solidarity from all corners of the planet appeared, a symptom of the icon consumed at sight, helpless. Among them, that of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, or that of the Director General of Unesco, Audrey Azoulay, who offered his badistance to the future reconstruction of a temple listed in its list of World Heritage of 1991.

For her part, the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, said: "We receive calls from all over the world because it is a drama for everyone, I thought of these images of the liberation of Paris. says that the bells of Our Lady then rang and were heard in Buenos Aires. "

The Royal House of Spain expressed its support and stated: "The French people will rebuild it, they will undoubtedly raise it, and we will be there, the whole world is and will be with France." Notre-Dame cathedral will be reborn. his ashes. "

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 16/04/2019 in our print edition.


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