The nuclear accident in Russia has killed five people and increased the radiation up to 16 times | Chronic


After the publication of videos on networks in which thick smoke was visible over a military installation in Siberia (Russia), state-owned company Rosatom Atomic Energy Corporation acknowledged that it was only Was acting from a nuclear accident that caused the death of five people. people

"They tragically died trying a new special device"said the director of the Russian nuclear agency (Rosatom), Alexei Likhachev, at the funeral in memory of the five deceased.

Likhachev said that "Work on this new type of weapons will continue" and continue to work on its development "It's the best tribute they can make" to the deceased, which he described as "national heroes", reported the news channel CNN

The National Meteorological Service reported that radiation levels in the city of Severodvinsk, near the base, had been multiplied by 4 to 16 times after the explosion. The explosion occurred on August 8 in a bombshell in a military unit near the Kamenka city, Siberia, and forced the evacuation of some 6,000 people, according to the authorities.

Meanwhile, the videos of witnesses who published files on the networks in which thick smoke could be seen rising above a forest located next to the warehouse were transcended .

Following these videos, they were forced to publish a statement in which he regretted the death of five people and explained the event: "Five Rosatom personnel were killed and three others injured in a tragic accident during tests in a liquid isotope propulsion system at a military facility in the Arkhangelsk region", Hold the note.

The funeral of the deceased.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, said last Monday that, thanks to the explosion, Washington is acquiring information. "We have a similar technology, although more advanced.The Russian explosion" Skyfall "has created a concern around the air (which is breathed) near the factory and beyond that, it's not fair! "Trump tweeted.

Trump's tweet


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