The number of deaths in Chile is increased to 8


"Unfortunately, five bodies were found inside the factory, resulting from this fire," said the second commander of the Santiago Fire Department, Diego Velásquez, to the newspaper El Mercurio de Santiago.

About the fire, Velasquez said: "the neighbors said that this could have been intentional" and added that "it is a hypothesis that is being considered".

The burned factory is located in Renca, an industrial town located northwest of the Chilean capital.

Karla Rubilar, mayor of the metropolitan region of Santiago, announced the death of three people this morning after the fire of a supermarket in the municipality of San Bernardo, south of the capital.

The firefighters found two charred bodies in the supermarket and another seriously injured person was transported to the hospital, where he died shortly after, said the official in a statement to Bio Bio radio.

In addition, several reports have reported more than 200 wounded and, according to the Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick, 960 people were arrested today for riots as part of protests this weekend. end in Chile.

Rows for NAFTA and food

In the aftermath of the greatest outbreaks of social violence since the return to democracy in Chile in 1990, the city of Santiago had different faces, where it was possible to see clashes of protesters with the police, peaceful cacerolazos and long lines waiting to get gasoline and to eat, at the other end, people who walked like every spring sunday.

In the central streets, street lighting, traffic lights, fences and seating benches and billboards show the traces of a day of fury that swept everything in its path.

There are also remains of burned barricades in some corners, which were used last night by protesters who defied the armed forces, who had control of security and public order, under the decree of President Sebastián Piñera's "emergency state of emergency".

Although this measure prohibits the normal movement of people, the demonstrations did not stop.

It was inevitable to remember the years of the dictatorship of Augusto de Pinochet (1973-1990) with the presence in the streets of the army that not only oversees the critical points of the city – centers of meetings of protesters and all subway stations – They also patrolled the streets with tanks and jeeps, still filled with uniformed and heavily armed soldiers.

On the iconic and capital Plaza Italia, protesters defy police and army forces trying to disperse them with tear gas, and soon after, the groups return to the charge, after hours.

In this square and in the surroundings, you can see and feel the remnants of the clashes, in the same way that the impetus of the demonstrators is confirmed, that despite the threatening presence of the security forces, they resist with songs and jumps.

The claim is already up to the resignation of the entire government, which confirms that what started as a revolt against the rising price of the metro ticket – already set aside – added Other requirements, including the end of corruption. of the political class and the struggle against the tremendous economic difference prevailing in Chile between the powerful workers and the simple workers.

Most of these marches are young, arriving with friends and partners, with scarves around their necks. "We have to bring these scarves not to cover our faces as if we were hooded, but to protect ourselves from gas," Elisa told Telam.

The couple of Elisa, who preferred not to give her name, promised that they would stay in Plaza Italia even if the police beat them and detained them. "We will not go there: we want answers from the government," he says.

Another young man carries a sign saying: "Theft and looting, HDP". And he cries to this chronicler: "Enough to accuse the people of theft and looting, politicians and the rich have stolen us every day for years."

The protesters also threaten to go to the Moneda Palace, located about three kilometers away, but order the police and the army not to let them pass, which increases the tension, just as when the arrests begin and try to circumvent the control of the authorities. forces

You could see another face of the demonstrations in the commune of Ñuñoa, where thousands of people gathered in the main square, but here with a call for dialogue and an end to clashes and violence.

During this demonstration, no member of the police force had taken care of the public order, although it is not known what will happen in the next hours.

Protesters, in this case with the family and with posters, sing for the return to normal, but with government responses, so that the causes that led to these riots begin to be resolved ", such as the cost high health, education, thefts of police and military, the corruption of politicians and the constant mockery of the rich of this country, who put their hands in our pockets while they 're safe. are enriching more and more, "said Carlos, neighbor of the municipality.

A woman approaches and adds her statement: "Do not forget the AFP (administrator of the pension fund), who has promised us to retire at 70% of salary and we receive only insignificant pensions that do not reach us to live. "

On the other hand, in the traditionally affluent towns of Las Condes and Vitacura, there is a sense of normalcy, as if nothing had happened in the city, with children in the squares, walking couples and young people riding a bicycle.

The only thing that strikes in these towns are the long waiting lines at the petrol stations and in the few shops open for refueling and food.

According to the operators of the service stations, the supply of fuel is assured and, even with the passing of the minutes, the lines lengthen with the wire of the minutes, for fear that the gasoline does not reach.

The lines to buy food are given in front of the shops served by their own owners, because supermarkets and department stores are closed due to the lack of public transport in the city, which adds to the lack of security and the fear of looting and fires. .

In time, a new curfew will have started until Monday, January 6 in Santiago, with the restriction of freedom of movement. But the mobilizations do not seem to stop. We will then have to see the response of the military who, until now, did not save sticks or blows.


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