The number of injured rises to 43 after the car bomb attack in Corinto, Cauca


After learning of the explosion of a car bomb, this Friday at 3:30 p.m., in the town of Corinto, department of Cauca, the authorities gave birth to an extraordinary security council, in which the minister Defense alongside the army and police The forces have implemented a measure to protect the inhabitants of the affected area.

According to the portfolio manager, “Our military and police forces continue to be present in the region. Today 8 special platoons have been detached, with more than 280 men, which cover around Corinth. There is already a presence there of our judicial police, in order to advance in the clarification and the continuation of the events which have occurred ”, declared the Minister of Defense giving part of the result of the security advice which was given. by night. this Friday.

In terms of assignments, Molano said that the first census, carried out by the Ministry of Health, showed that the attack left 43 people affected, who were treated in different hospitals, “17 due to dizziness, 20 with minor injuries and there are 6 seriously injured, two of them are being treated in Cali and the other 4 have been transferred to Santander de Quilichao.” In addition, he reported that 8 houses had been damaged.

Likewise, he argued that the terrorist act was an action by the dissidents of the Farc de la “Mobile column Dagoberto Ramos” ordered by the aliases “Cejas” and the aliases “David” or “Cholinga”. “This indiscriminate terrorist attack against the civilian population and in this case against a public institution such as the mayor’s office is a senseless and terrorist act”, expressed the high command of the ministry.

Statements by the Minister of Defense, Diego Molano, on the attack on Corinto, Cauca.

After learning of the attack, the OAS Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia strongly condemned this terrorist act and expressed its solidarity with the injured citizens.

“We reject the violent actions of illegal armed groups, which have caused population displacement in Caloto and Algeria. We follow “.

A complex security situation is unfolding in this department due to the fact that in the municipality of Algeria there was fighting between the dissidents of the FARC and the guerrillas of the ELN, as well as this morning, the head of the Corps of Technical investigation (CTI) of the prosecution, Mario Fernando Herrera, was kidnapped by FARC dissidents in the neighboring municipality of Caloto.

According to the population, from the same department, as the minister along with the army and the police developed this advice, he experienced new days of harassment at night. However, in the face of these events, the Government did not speak out.

As the newspaper El Tiempo reports, Corinto has become, according to the authorities, a punctual municipality for the control of the road of drug and arms trafficking in the southwest of the country.

“From Pasto, the subersive groups have a route that climbs the Panamericana and along the trails north of Cauca, in particular, passing through Corinto for the hallucinogens to take the direction of Jamundí (Valle), a place that was l ‘epicenter of two massacres in 2020, one which left five dead in January of this 2020 and the other, with four victims, in September of this time, all with knockouts “, stressed the Bogota newspaper.

Likewise, he indicated that according to the police, in addition to the fact that the group “Dagoberto Ramos” confronts him Eln in northern Cauca, tThere are also disputes of the “Jaime Martinez” and the Sixth front du Farc. These groups maintain alliances with drug traffickers in a territorial dispute over the handling of drugs within the country and abroad via Pacific waters, as well as weapons.


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