The nun Judith: she went viral dancing on “Tusa” by Karol G, now she teaches catechism on TikTok and her companions support her


Judith, the successful “digital evangelizer” in networking.

Judith’s adolescence was not easy. He weighed 118 kilograms, he was bullied at school, and his self-esteem was so affected that he was injured. Her sister’s change of attitude after a spiritual retreat surprises her and she also wishes to have “that same glimmer of joy in her eyes”.

The road was complex. Judith first had to fight her own dreams. On his YouTube channel, where he’s set to hit ten thousand subscribers, he said that when i was little i wanted to be president of mexicoThen she thought of becoming a scientist and “revolutionizing the world”. He even studied biotechnology, but deep down he knew he had to “get over the fear” to have the life he was looking for, and he succeeded.

Judith with the rest of the Congregation of the Missionaries of Jesus Priest. (Credit: MJS website).

From 25 years old joins the Congregation of the Missionaries of Jesus Priest, located in Irapuato, in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico. Everything changed for her last year: in full quarantine, went viral after sharing a dancing video to the song “Tusa”, the success of Karol G and Nicki Minaj, but in Christian version.

“That afternoon I was upset because the pandemic had canceled the beach vacation I had been waiting for so long and I started recording. My intention was not to be ticking“, said Judith in dialogue with

Judith dances a viral TikTok

She quickly had an impact, and faced with so many notifications on her networks, she ensures that was “afraid the content would be mocked or used as obscene material”. However, the support of the Congregation This was the key to guide her: “They helped me in the process of discernment, to know what I wanted to communicate,” said the young woman known in the virtual world as Judith de Jesús Priest.

Although at the beginning he joined the different challenges of the moment and “gave it a religious twist”, now its videos have more to do with “catechesis and the promotion of vocations”. This is why he was struck to have received criticism mainly from “traditionalist Christians”. “They exposed me in the pages like I was a joke, They said it was the worst thing that ever happened to the Church, that what I did was not evangelize and how my superiors allowed me to. They don’t realize we’re on social media, but my intention is to disseminate a part of consecrated life which is not known», He said.

Judith managed to get over 620 thousand subscribers on TikTok, and almost 46 thousand on Instagram by posting videos in which he not only recounts the names of items that are usually seen in churches, such as “the altar tablecloth” or “the cover of the small plate the father uses”, but also explaining the Bible and important dates that are commemorated. To show life in the Congregation with energy, music and joy, “the most formed have arrived” and now the novitiate house has students at all levels.

The young woman ensures that she feels valued and that the messages she receives from Internet users motivate her to continue. “The feedback, touching people and telling me that they saw a video at the right time and that it did them good, it’s wonderful. This is where the presence of God is, ”he said.


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