The nurse’s shocking physical change after battling coronavirus for 8 months | the Chronicle


An American nurse identified as Kathe Drals used his account on the social network Twitter, to make it known through some photographs his visible physical deterioration during those months that, like all medical staff around the world, he had to contend with due to the pandemic generated by covid-19.

In the pictures, in which make a comparison of what it was like at the start of the year and how it looks today, She added that she enjoys being a nurse and that while she didn’t expect to be a new nurse in the midst of a pandemic, caring for the sickest is an honor for her.

“I wasn’t exactly expecting to be a new nurse in the midst of a highly politicized pandemic, but life comes to you quickly and even with a pandemic, I don’t want to do anything else. Taking care of the sickest patients is an honor and I appreciate my patients ”, noted in the post.

The coronavirus has impacted the health of over 51 million people around the world and the increase in infections is a problem that affects all of humanity and of course even more, to medical staff faced with this sometimes uncontrollable situation, that in addition to causing physical affections, it can cause an increase in cases of anxiety and depression.

The nurse’s face says it all (Twitter).

Drals, reflects some of that angst he has been subjected to in the development of his work, ensuring that “It is devastating to see people die when these deaths were preventable, and even more devastating to see them die the same way over and over again.” referring to the thousands of deaths the coronavirus has left behind.

“Covid is a brutal disease and I don’t wish it on my worst enemy”, The young woman stressed in the last message that accompanied the publication, she also stressed the importance of following the precautionary measures indicated by the health authorities at the global level where the best way to avoid the spread of the virus is through the self-care: “Please understand that you are not only protecting yourself, you are protecting the people around you.”

Thanks to the user

The post, which was shared by thousands of users of this social network, received numerous comments that reflect the gratitude that many people feel for the role that medical personnel have played amid the pandemic.

“I want to thank you and tell you that you are a hero to me, but more importantly I want you to know that I always wear a mask and avoid meetings. I think protecting myself from Covid is the best way to show healthcare professionals my gratitude for their continued service. one of the followers expressed in response to the post.


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