The odd case of a baby who had 526 teeth extracted


Ravindran, a seven-year-old boy, approached Saveetha University Hospital in India for a swollen jaw. But neither the boy nor his parents imagined that this discomfort was due to a strange wound. That same day the team of dentists He extracted more than 500 teeth.

As he rebuilt the BBCX-rays performed before the operation indicated a 200-gram structure inside the mouth, which caused considerable discomfort. When they removed it, They discovered that he had 526 dental pieces between 1 and 15 millimeters.

    The 526 teeth were inside a benign tumor. (Photo: Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences)
The 526 teeth were inside a benign tumor. (Photo: Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences)

This strange phenomenon is called "compound dentistry"a benign tumor related to the development of teeth. "The type of tumor we detected prevented the permanent growth of the molars in the baby on the affected side," said Dr. Senthilnathan, a professor in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Saveetha University Hospital.

According to hospital experts, this is a unique case and the first of its kind in which so many teeth end up in one person. In 2014, a similar situation was recorded, but on this occasion, surgeons had removed 232 pieces from a teenager's mouth.

Ravindran had been suffering from this tumor since the age of three, but he had never let the dentists consult her. (Photo: Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences)
Ravindran had been suffering from this tumor since the age of three, but he had never let the dentists consult her. (Photo: Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences)

Local media have explained that Ravindran I had this tumor since the age of three yearssince his parents noticed a slight swelling of his jaw. But since he was not allowed to check, no doctor could diagnose him.

The operation was performed at an early age, the intervention did not affect the tissues of the mouth. and the baby will not need a rebuild in this domain. Now, dentists will try to investigate this case to determine the cause of this tumor. Until now, it is thought that it can be a genetic or environmental problem.


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