The official obsession is now to leave the accounts sorted


Although no official says loudly that the party in power is in "transition" mode, so in private many consider a irremovable difference of Alberto Fernández in regards to Mauritius Macri think about general elections, in the Executive they are looking for stabilize macro variables and calm volatility last week, election results for therefore guarantee the desired governance it serves as a bridge until the delivery of power.

That was what whitened Hernan Lacunza in his first statement to the press as Minister of Treasury: the need to guarantee of control of exchange rates. In one way, it is one of the government's mistakes: not to control the movement of the dollar, which in one and a half years has gone from $ 18 to $ 57, which has had inflationary effects. After 3 months of fall CPIA new hike is now expected for August and September due to last week's frantic moves.

The truth is that in the environment of the new manager, who spoke almost in parallel with the head of the Central, Guido Sandleris, to give certainty to the market, they noted that the message is intended "bring people peace of mind, give a realistic message of the situation that is going on" and at the same time maintain the budget program and the agreement with the MFIs, which finally would send emissaries next week to meet the technicians of Treasury and also opposition.

The call for dialogue with the economists of the opposition candidates, the referents of their country Alberto Fernandez or Robert Lavagnawould go in the same direction: to give certainty on the main variables of the unstable economic model.


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In total, there is another look that abounds among the closest officials of Mauritius Macri: "Leave the accounts sorted" for the government to badume the 10th of December avoid any anxiety.

A close badociate of Presidentin this regard, stated that "We were surprised by the difference (in the STEP), we did not know that there was so much embarrbadment beyond that when you make reforms, there are always sectors with difficulties. we must order everything so that the one who badumes does not find another storm and avoids being caught. " & # 39; "in a clear message to a destabilizing attempt at Peronism.

However, the person responsible, like other shipowners Provincerecognized "Errors" during the inspection of the tables deployed on the provincial territory. "We take care of you"he said.

The political table that saw light on Monday night at Olives -With the participation of radical partners and lilita Carrió– This has also not generated too much expectations in some officials. When asked if this would continue in the early weeks, a qualified source said with a laugh: "Let's hope not.". Is it for some members of the ruling party this attempt at political openness came too late.

At the mid-morning cabinet meeting, the key findings of the plan were reviewed. Lacunza stabilize the exchange rate. Meanwhile, the government is seeking to ease the tensions that triggered relief measures announced last week, such as Elimination of VAT on foods from the basic basket where the gasoline gel for 90 days.

From one side, Lacunza and the minister of inside, Rogelio FrigerioIn the afternoon, they received the governors of the oil provinces for complaints from producers regarding this measure that would affect provincial royalties.

The Peronist provincial leaders, meanwhile, will meet this morning at advice Federal Investments (IFC)as a political gesture, to repudiate the fiscal damage of "an electoral measure" as they consider the deletion of VAT of groceries.

In the House Pink they estimate that the $ 50 billion claim for loss of recovery is unrealistic, given that VAT as Gains These are co-participable taxes.

In turn, another official consulted by this newspaper stated that "The calculation is poorly done: the Treasury estimated that it would lose 0.1% of what the co-participation would have owed to them." The tax cost is minimal because all the variables must be taken into account, because they can to compensate for a larger collection, it would be shared with the nation, there would be a shared effort ".


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