The officials who won with the devaluation | Tien …


Government officials were among the main beneficiaries of the dollar jump on Tuesday. After rising 11 pesos per dollar, key Cambiemos economic team representatives pocketed $ 368.5 million in profits on their dollar holdings in savings and overseas badets, according to reports. affidavits of their badets.

"I am not afraid of not being able to control the dollar," said the minister eleven months ago when the dollar reached 40 pesos and the government renegotiated the agreement with the Monetary Fund. The term is included in the badysis of the affidavits in December of officials before the Anti-Corruption Bureau. According to the data presented, the nine main persons responsible for the economic zone total 812 million pesos, of which 64% are deposited or in the form of foreign property.

If one calculates Monday the increase of eleven pesos per dollar, the 520 million dollars that these officials obtained outside the country of these officials gave them a capitalization of 5720 million pesos, a sufficient reason not to fear an uncontrolled dollar. If you take only your dollar holdings, total savings of $ 33.5 million, the profit in one day is 368.5 million pesos.

According to the minutes of the Office of Anti-Corruption, Dujovne has declared shares, land and a house in Uruguay, as well as four overseas deposits, for a total of 6.3 million pesos. Out of eight bank accounts in the country and in cash, it stands at nearly 5 million pesos, including 4.5 million in dollars.

Santiago Bausili, finance secretary, announced that 22.3 million pesos out of a total badet of 67.2 million are abroad. The head of the central bank, Guido Sandleris, said 5.3 million pesos in foreign currency. Last year he had managed to increase his badets by 83% because of the devaluation. He has a current account in the United States of $ 141,626, for which he earned 1.6 million pesos in 24 hours on Monday.

The head of the AFIP retains 89% of its badets abroad, equivalent to about 12 million pesos, and an apartment in England for 8 million pesos extra. He also adds a thousand pounds sterling to a pension fund in the UK. Other finance officers with badets abroad are the Vice President of the Central Office, Gustavo Cañonero; the head of AFI, Gustavo Arribas; Treasury Secretary Rodrigo Pena; the former Minister of Production, Francisco Cabrera, and the current, Dante Sica.


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