The old woman behind the Brexit arrest request has denounced death threats | Chronic


Margaret GeorgiadouThe 77-year-old woman who initiated an order through social networks in Parliament to restore Brexit, denounced three death threats received after the success of her proposal, which has already garnered nearly 4.5 million supporters.

"Who can love Brexit so much that he is ready to kill for that?"asked Georgiadou, according to Sky News, and reproduces the Spanish press agency Europa Press.

Georgiadou, who travels to Cyprus, has received three death threats over the phone.

"The government has repeatedly said that leaving the EU was" the will of the people. "We must end this statement by showing the strength of public support to stay in the EU, a popular vote could do not take place, vote now "said the proposal.

The UK Parliament has an obligation to discuss any submitted applications with more than 100,000 signatures, while the government must respond to all initiatives with more than 10,000 headings. The idea goes well beyond both barriers.

According to the UK government's and parliament's petitions committee, the official website where signatures are collected has stopped working this Thursday morning due to the steady increase in the number of signatures.

The Scottish Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, urged his Twitter followers on Thursday to sign the petition if they believed that the prime minister, Theresa May, "This is not listening to your requests".
They have also publicly voiced support for personalities such as actor Hugh Grant or physicist Brian Cox.

The Committee on Petitions has indicated on this platform that the number of signatures is the highest recorded by the site since its creation. She had to make some changes to keep the site stable. This commission depends on the House of Commons and includes 11 members.

The most popular petition for Brexit has 375,000 signatures and calls on the government to leave the EU without an agreement by the end of the month, which was the original date.

Hello, the person responsible for the petition Revoke Art 50. Just need to tell you that 1. I am currently visiting Cyprus. and 2. last night, I received three death threats by telephon. (!) Who wants so much Brexit that they are ready to kill for this?

– George Georgiadou (@ madgie1941)
March 23, 2019


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