"The only one for this is Fernandez announcing a strong economic team"


The liberal economist warned of the financial consequences of the crushing defeat of the government in primary elections

The liberal economist Javier Milei warned about the financial consequences of the deep defeat of the national government within the OSP and recommended Alberto Fernández to anticipate the names of any eventual economic cabinet.

"Bonds and stocks are destroyed in the pre-commercial market in New York down 20% and the dollar already exceeds 50 pesos Postcards of the coming crisis," tweeted Milei Monday morning after Fernandez beat Mauricio Macri from 47% to 32%.

Bonds and stocks are destroyed in the market before the sale in New York down 20% and the dollar already exceeds $ 50. Postcards of the coming crisis.
Alberto Fernández is the only one who can stop. He announces a strong economic team. However, this contravenes his electoral objective.

– Javier Milei (@JMilei) August 12, 2019

"The only one who can stop this is Alberto Fernández who announces a strong economic team, but it conspires against his electoral objective," he said.

If you want to put some music on what's going on economically, I'll put this song … https: //t.co/mq93J0hKvA

– Javier Milei (@JMilei) August 12, 2019

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