The only opponent who traveled with Mauricio Macri tried to deceive the deputies who were detached – 21/02/2019


India and Vietnam. Correspondent

Mauricio Macri tried to surround his tour in Asia with opposition leaders. I wanted to give, especially in India, a strong political signal attract investors, warned that the doubts that are generated in an election year always play negatively at the time of business. He invited several legislators, in addition to those of Cambiemos. And three deputies answered him "no": the Kirchner Agustín Rossi, the mbadista Graciela Camaño and the urtubeyista Pablo Kosiner. The only opponent who decided to get on the plane was Alfredo Luenzo, the Chubut senator of the Argentine federal bloc, who launched an anti-crack message, but goes further by explaining the reasons why he accepted the summons.

"Do not be part of a delegation when we go to a country with prospects like India, that's to a madness that we can not afford. We are not for this kind of thing. And if you have to pay a political cost to accompany the president and support him, I pay him, even if it means something in the electoral field, "he said. Clarin. Be that as it may, avoid hurting the rest of the parliamentarians. "You have to respect those who do not think like you," he says.

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Luenzo says that far from becoming a macrista. He questions the government for "a similar closure to that of Kirchnerism", stressing that for Macri "it's time to open" and proposes a "Pacto de la Moncloa" Argentinian, as he then said his colleague in the Senate Miguel Angel Pichetto. Of course, with the Rio Negro, there is a theme that does not coincide: the former president.

"I work with Miguel in the Federal Republic of Argentina, and I think that from there a new Argentina must emerge, it will contain us all. when we talk about Peronism, I do not say Peronism without Cristina. I say that the opposition must be all together in one space, confronting each other. But not against Macri, but with the neoliberal model, "he says.

– With what expectations did you come to the tour?

-A lot. India and Vietnam are two developing economies. Today, India offers us an extraordinary opportunity. It is a market of 1,300 million inhabitants. We must open ourselves to the world and vice versa: that the world begins to see Argentina with a different expectation.

The senator, without question, enters with the crevbade. "Here, it 's neither officialism nor opposition.Sometimes a reading is made according to the party' s affairs, but when we leave Argentina, it 's n'. There is only one program available to everyone, and we must behave as such, and we must see the opportunities, whether for this government or the next, "he said.

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– What do you think of those who said no?

– Sometimes, an electoral scenario is confused or partisan positions with institutional representation. I think it's good to show the world that we are all together when it comes to fighting for our country. Accompanying the president does not mean being in the PRO. I am clearly in opposition and frame my differences every day. The differences in criteria and economic model will be resolved during this year. And it will be the electorate that will mark who will be the next government. But I'm sure that if they call me next year, I'll come back, be it Macri, Cristina, Felipe (Solá) or Sergio Mbada.

-You have been very critical of the management of Macri. Does this trip change this vision?

-It does not have to change me. There are things that I accompany and when we are in the institutional framework, we must be respectful: he is the president of all Argentines and I am the senator of the nation. I can not represent a single sector, it is not the case. Even if we are elected by a bias of the electorate, this representation is institutional and we must work for all.

– The government closes? Do you share this look?

-I have this feeling. But perhaps it is the product and the result of the crisis. When you are in crisis, what you tend to do is close. And that's an error. Close as the government does sometimes, with attitudes such as promulgating decrees on central issues that have nothing urgent or necessary, is not good: this closure went to Kirchner and ended up putting it in a pot without seeing the rest.



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