“The only thing I saw before they killed him were his boots”: the dramatic account of the widow of the President of Haiti on the assassination


Martine Moise, viuda of the Haitian president Jovenel Moise, Killed at his home by an armed commando in early July, he bluntly described the attack and expressed his suspicions about the crime. “The only thing I saw before he was killed were his boots”, The woman, who was injured in the attack, spoke of the murderers.

Woken up that night of July 7 by gunfire, the First Lady revealed that she hid her two children in a bathroom before lying on the floor, on the advice of her husband. ” I think there is where you will be safe ”, Jovenel Moise then told him.

After having been hurt by an explosion of bullets, she remained stretched out. “At that moment, I felt that I was choking on the blood in his mouth and he couldn’t breathe ”, describe.

Martine Moise was hospitalized for two weeks in Miami before she could return to Haiti for her husband’s funeral. (Photo: EFE / Twitter by Martine Moise)

Members of the command later searched the room. He heard them talking in Spanish between them and with someone Telephone. “They were looking for something and they found it”, affirmed the widow in dialogue with The New York Times.

She survived the attack and had to be evacuated by plane receive treatment in the state of Florida, USA She returned to her country two weeks ago for her husband’s funeral.

Martine wonders what happened in these moments with the team of 30 to 50 agents in charge of the president’s security in the house. “I don’t understand how no one was hit by the bullets”, he pointed suspiciously.

Haitian Police take two detainees for the assassination of Jovenel Moïse. (Photo: EFE / Jean Marc Hervé Abélard)

After the first bullets, the head of state called the Of responsible fit men direct for your safety. “They told me they would come”, Moses said to his wife after hanging up.

Police in the Caribbean country have stopped these two officials, as well as a twenty Colombian mercenaries. In addition, he claims to have brought to light a conspiracy organized by a group of Haitians with ties to the Foreigner, but many dark spots persist in his research.

For Martine Moise, the people cited for the moment in this investigation are only the executors of the attack of July 7, which worsened the political crisis in the impoverished country. “Only the oligarchs and the system could kill him”, he claimed.

In this sense, the First Lady gave a name: that of Réginald Boulos, an influential businessman and a newcomer to the world of politics. Although he does not accuse him of commissioning the murder, he believes he had something to gain from the assassination, according to the American newspaper.

However, Boulos denied the veiled charges of the president’s widow vehemently and expressed support for an independent international investigation.

In turn, Martine Moise suggested that analyzes for the next elections of your country, still undated, to find the Presidency as a means of defending the vision of change and development promoted by the assassinated president. “President Jovenel had a vision and we Haitians are not going to let him die,” said his widow.


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