The "ooosoooo" of the pope everyone is talking about


A video shows Francisco's strange gesture whenever they wanted to kiss the ring

It is known that it is a tradition deeply rooted in the Catholic religion that when you greet a pope, you have to kiss the fisherman's ring with a kind of respect.

But we also know that since he is the pontiff, Francisco does not like this gesture of plebiscite. However, what caught our attention this time was the brutal way in which the Pope removed his right hand every time a parishioner tried to kiss the ring.

It was during a visit that the bishop of Rome yesterday made the shrine of Loreto. The video shows that the first comers to greet him and try to kiss the ring took their hand sometimes abruptly, stating that it was not necessary to comply with this habit and that it did not bother him.

With those who only shook hands to greet him, the treatment was cordial, without any inconvenience. Even at the end of the images, we see two young people greet him with whom Francisco remains in conversation and seems to bless something that they carried in their hands, all in a very pleasant way. The video did not go unnoticed, and less in social networks.


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