The Opposition Hardly Passed to Lombardi by Layoffs in Telam


In a tense climate, the head of the Public Media System, Hernán Lombardi, appeared yesterday before deputies of the labor and freedom of expression committees to explain the dismissals of 355 workers in the agency Telam official press Together with the president of the agency, Rodolfo Pousá, the official defended the decision in the face of the strong interrogation of opposition deputies who, of all the blocks, demanded reinstatements and lobbies. opening of a dialog instance.

Lombardi reiterated that "Unfortunately, Telam went from a journalism factory to a space of party militancy" and stated that "the current decisions are a consequence of the irresponsibility of the capital with which the agency was previously administered ". "The prejudicial and abusive use of state resources is a scam for the taxpayers and the employees themselves, who suffer the consequences," he added.

For Facundo Moyano, of the Renovador Front, the official's statements were an "aberration" that confirmed that there was "political and ideological persecution, submission of labor rights and there was had no respect for collective agreements "in dismissals. "There are so many arguments, why did not they fired the workers for cause?" Asks the MP, union activism.

"There is no dialogue, they do not talk to the delegates, all the authorities go away … easy, simplistic, to blame others, because they believe that it gives them a political income Said Moyano and added, "It is true that in the public media, under the previous government, the opponents did not have their place.What to see? Take charge of your decisions!"

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For the PJ-Front for Victory, Leopoldo Moreau considered contradictory and not quite ethical who is at the head of the agency that made the same agency, with reference to the labor lawsuit that he had. had Pousá. The head of the agency responded that the trial had started in 2002, when he was no longer an official but a journalist. "I worked as a journalist and I was fired for no reason," he explained about the lawsuit that won the state.

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