The opposition repudiated that the government does not support the trial against Maduro: “Kirchnerism is complicit in the violation of human rights in Venezuela”


Nicolas maduro
Nicolas maduro

The decision of the national government to withdraw its support for the lawsuit brought by the Lima Group against the Nicolás Maduro regime Before the International Criminal Court (ICC), this led to the repudiation of the opposition. They regretted that Alberto Fernández had put an end to “a decades-long tradition of denouncing the violation of human rights in the region”.

The lawsuit was brought by Canada, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru and Argentina in 2018, to have the Venezuelan regime investigated for the alleged commission of crimes against humanity. .

“The president reaffirmed his support for the Maduro regime, leaving us aligned with a dictatorship on the brink of collapse”, said the president of PRO, Patricia bullrich, and noted that Alberto Fernández “rejects US aid to vaccinate Argentines for ideological reasons.”

“It also explains why we don’t have the Pfizer vaccine.”, concluded the former Minister of Security

“Kirchnerism is complicit in the violation of human rights in Venezuela”, declared on social networks the president of the interbloc of deputies of Ensemble pour le changer, Mario Negri.

For his part, the former provisional president of the Senate, Federico pinedoHe said: “It pains me that it is understood that we are not in solidarity with the victims of serious violations of basic human rights such as life and liberty.”

Former chancellor Jorge Faurien opined in dialogue with TN that the government’s decision is “very bad” because our country has “a very clear roadmap in the defense of human rights, and we have applied it in international organizations”.

And he added: “The Venezuelans welcomed us in this difficult moment that is the dictatorship in Argentina and it was time to respond. In addition, there is a specific report from High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet“.

In the same vein, the former Ambassador to the United States, Brazil, the European Union and China, Diego guelar, he said that it’s “unbelievable that we fell so low” and he underlined against the Minister of Foreign Affairs Felipe Solá: “This Lord and his president (Alberto Fernández) have c ….. in the best humanitarian and diplomatic tradition of the Argentine Republic.”

The complaint in question is the first filed by the group of states against a government before the International Criminal Court, which specializes in investigations into genocide, war crimes and acts against humanity.

The national deputy Fernando Iglesias placeholder image He referred to the geopolitical gesture involved in this decision: “Those who believe that this news does not concern them will wait for the second dose of Sputin while the planet is vaccinated with that of Pfizer.”

This government puts an end to the destruction of a decades-long tradition of denouncing human rights violations in the region. Sorry Venezuelans. How embarrassing ”, lamented the deputy Waldo Wolff.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Civic Coalition’s block of deputies, Juan Manuel Lopez, said it is “regrettable that ideology, old business and future favors make the Argentine government complicit in human rights violations in Venezuela.”

The President of the Civic Coalition, Maximiliano FerraroHe added that it was “an accomplice act of torture, disappearance and rape; respect for human rights is not negotiated and Maduro’s serious crimes deserve to be punished ”.

“President Fernandez said that human rights violations in Venezuela are disappearing, what is disappearing is the dignity and international reputation of Argentina,” said the deputy. . Facundo Suarez Lastra, with the hashtag “# VolíanPeores”.

Last week Alberto Fernandez he was consulted on the situation in Venezuela and stressed that the “problem” of human rights violations “was disappearing”.

“I say it very frankly: many on the left criticized me because I supported the report of (Michelle) Bachelet (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights) when he marked the actions of the government Venezuelan who violated human rights, but I also worked to help Bachelet set up a permanent office in Venezuela to monitor the functioning of human rights. And this problem was gradually disappearing in Venezuela. There is a way to solve the problems that does not go through entry into the countries neither by armed means nor by blockade.”Fernández said.

According to Foro Penal, an NGO that continuously monitors the human rights situation under the Chavist military dictatorship, there are currently 306 political prisoners in Venezuela. In addition, according to this institution, “more than 9,000 people continue to be arbitrarily subjected to measures restricting their freedom”.


After leaving the Lima Group, Argentina withdrew its support for the trial against the Nicolás Maduro regime before the International Criminal Court
Alberto Fernández: “The human rights problem in Venezuela was disappearing”

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