The oral trial begins for the tragedy of Austral


After being suspended four times, the judicial process has 35 imputed and at least 100 witnesses who will declare Therefore, it is expected that the oral trial takes place before the Federal Criminal Court. Oral Court n ° 5 of Comodoro Py it could take a year.

There are three causes, in two of them imputation is for fraudulent ravagesthat is to say, a large-scale harm, generating a common danger and produced intentionally, negligently or negligently, whose penalty is 10 to 25 years and a third accused of the offense of falsifying the documentation l & # 39; 39; plane

Among the defendants are members of the Airline and the Air Force of Argentina (FAA), among them those who held the post of President and Vice President of Austral at the material time, as well as managers, managers and staff of the technical and pilot training area of the signature.


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On 10 October 1997, the southern flight 2553, which ran from Posadas to Buenos Aires, fell to Uruguay 52 minutes after takeoff. According to the complaint, the plane was missing a mandatory alarm that would have warned the crew that the heating system was not working "pilot tubes" (sensors that determine the wind speed).

From the day of the accident to today, three of the accused are dead. Beyond the postponements, there was a civil trial and an economic remedy, but a group of relatives of the victims chose to take the case to the criminal courts.


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