The Ortega government calls for a dead-end dialogue with the opposition



The Nicaraguan government has put an end to the dialogue with the opposition, which it accused of being absent from the negotiating table that seeks to get out of the political crisis, said the Apostolic Nuncio yesterday. Waldemar Sommertag.

The bargaining forum "culminated in the last absence of the other party"As stated in a letter addressed Tuesday to the nunciature by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denis Moncada, head of the official delegation to the dialogue, said the non-president of Sommertag.

The Government's position was also notified to the Organization of US states (OAS), who testified to negotiations with the Nuncio. However, the opposition Civil Alliance for Justice and Democracy (ACJD), an interlocutor at the negotiating table, did not receive the notification, said one of the leaders from this group, the academician Carlos Tünnerman.

The opponent, a former diplomat, rejected the government's argument to end the dialogue.

In limbo

The cancellation of the negotiations leaves the crisis unresolved at a time when the opposition denounced the fact that nearly 20 Ortega critics have been killed in recent weeks and that another 120 "political prisoners" remain in the dungeons, whereas they relate to at least 9 shots per day.

"The government put the dishes on the negotiating table because we had announced the temporary suspension of our aid by way of protest."For the non-respect of the agreements and the death of a jailed protester, said Tünnerman.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Cidh) lamented the lack of dialogue, "in a context of persistent human rights violations and the need for reforms to ensure non-repetition"Events that happened. In addition, the IACHR pointed out that the human rights crisis persisted in Nicaragua, with the persecution of opponents, the lack of investigations into murders and the suspension of civil liberties.

The last round of talks has been paralyzed since May 16, when the ACJD withdrew to protest the shooting death of an opponent imprisoned in confused circumstances.

The government had planned the end of negotiations during the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution, on July 19, when socialist president Daniel Ortega announced that he would dialogue with peasants, workers and productive unions, without talk about the block of opposition. Tünnerman, estimated that the government "he is wrong"If you intend to ignore the participation of this group.


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