The outgoing concepts of the six presidential candidates


The presidential candidates presented tonight at the first presidential debate. In the Paraninfo of the National University of the Coast (UNL), there were crosses and quibbles, proposals and reproaches.

Here's how the presidents' thoughts were expressed in a few sentences:

Mauricio Macri (Together for change)

– "In this, there can be no double talk (Venezuela), either with the dictatorship or with democracy.Neutrality, it is to guarantee the dictatorship."

– "I am happy and surprised that the Front of all speaks of corruption.Also, Alberto Fernández says that I destroyed the economy while until recently, he had declared that President Kirchner l & rsquo; Had destroyed. "

– "I want it to be clear because it is important.Two pesos out of three that we borrowed were intended to pay the debts of the previous government.The last peso was used to pay the budget deficit that we reduced . "

Alberto Fernández (Before everyone)

– "I do not know what country Macri lives in. Of the $ 39 billion that the IMF has given us, $ 30 billion has escaped, these dollars are not in the bridges or in the houses, their friends have taken them, President."

– "I am not a dogmatic, you will see in me orthodox and heterodox solutions, what you will never see is that I do something against those who produce and those who work."

– "In Argentina, abortions occur and continue to punish everything it does, it is to criminalize the behavior and to put everything in hiding." We must strive for legalization, because we will give opportunities for poor women, let's end hypocrisy. "

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Roberto Lavagna (Federal Consensus)

– "Access to health and education conditions the possibilities of social and economic integration of each individual." The health, education and work triad is the most effective solution to fight against poverty . "

– "The Malvinas are our inalienable right Mercosur is a strategic project that must be saved"

– "The two previous governments failed, between 2002 and 2005 we managed to defend the country, registering the highest rate of growth and job creation of the last 20 years.We did once, we can do it again. "

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Nicolás del Caño (front left)

– "Alberto Fernández insists on a social pact.I wonder if the same table will sit those who voted all the laws of Cambiemos, the CGT or businessmen who escaped everything and won with this crisis . "

– "Macri leaves us in a bad situation, a terrible situation, the exit of this crisis must be paid by those who have generated it"

– "In the crisis we are going through, it is the women who are suffering the most from unemployment and price rises.That is why the debt is towards women.Not with the big businessmen and the IMF."

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José Luis Espert (Awakening Front)

– "Argentina must stop analyzing the tragic 70. It is impossible to build a country that bypasses the issue, but we must also judge the terrorists who killed mansalva in the 70".

– "Let's not deceive pensioners, so that the current pension system can pay 82% of mobility, there must be 4 active workers for each retiree, we have half, we do not miss our poor grandparents for that this system is sustainable. "

– "The Macri government has taken us out of the sewer with regard to the international relations that have overwhelmed us and that could come back in December"

Juan José Gómez Centurión (In front of us)

– "In the government of Cristina, sovereignty has been ceded."

– "The right to life is not discussed, Mr. President Life is not a plebiscite If politicians are not able to defend the poor, we can not defend any other human right. "

– "Argentina is a tax hell"


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