The overwhelming photo of a mother to denounce the harassment suffered by her son at school


The bullying at school it is a problem that worries the authorities. Mexico is one of the countries with the most cases of Bullying students: this problem affects 40% of students primary and secondary. A recent case that has been shared on social networks has caused outrage in the Aztec country.

A woman from the Morelos region he reported that his son had been beaten at the school "Tierra y Libertad". For there to be no doubt, the mother shared the image of the bloody shirt of the small

The mother showed her son's shirt full of blood. Photo: Facebook
The mother showed her son's shirt full of blood. Photo: Facebook

According to the miner's mother, the boy was touched several times in the mouth and on the nose by other students of the institution.

"I have witnesses of the fact and I am very sorry that they can do what they want but with my children, no one intervenes if the school does not do nothing or give any sanction, I will have the final consequences, "he denounced.

The boy with the shirt full of blood. Photo: Facebook
The boy with the shirt full of blood. Photo: Facebook

Prior to public denunciation, the Morelos State Institute of Basic Education announced that it would conduct a full investigation into the facts and badured that it would provide legal badistance to the youth's family.

As reported by Diario de Morelosthe school's director, Maria del Rayo, Andrea Lule Gorostieta, played down the facts. "It was an accident and at no point was there any intimidation, the boy was wearing a blue shirt on the uniform and we left him with it", added the teacher.


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