The owner of the farm in which Julen died said: "I will never forgive him" – 05/02/2019


David Serrano is the owner of the Malaga farm where he built the well in which Julen, a two-year-old boy, fell on Sunday 13 January. The baby was trapped for 13 days. Serrano gave a press conference with his lawyers and an architect expert in structures and buildings. "The day of my fall, I had covered the well with two blocks of concrete", he alleged, during his first appearance in the media after the boy's dead discovery.

"Never, never, I will never forgive"he repeated. Visibly moved, he read a statement in which he explained how the well had been built, who had done it and how Julen had fallen. His lawyer, Antonio Flores, clarified that "David is not on the list of people who have been the subject of an investigation, but we believe that he could be at the table. 39; future. "

José and Victoria, Julen's parents, during the rescue operation. In 2017, they lost Óliver, age 3, the older brother of Julen, a victim of a heart attack (AP)

José and Victoria, Julen's parents, during the rescue operation. In 2017, they lost Óliver, age 3, the older brother of Julen, a victim of a heart attack (AP)

The Civil Guard believes that it is a cousin's cousin José Ramallo. Julen's father, could be accused of reckless homicide because he organized a lunch in a construction zone and with a poorly closed well without guaranteeing the safety of the participants.

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According to his version, he allegedly hired Antonio "Sánchez," a specialist in drilling and water research, "with the aim of drilling a well in order to find water for" planting avocados ( avocados) and mangos ".

"Antonio arrived with his truck on the ground and he made me a gap of over 100 meters, which he left open when he left, thus leaving this gap," he said. Explain.

Serrano has always insisted that he had contracted the pocero thinking that he had applied for permits "because, in most cases, it is the wells that carry out these operations". On the other hand, the pocero badured the authorities that Serrano had told him that he possessed the necessary documentation to make the well. But he admitted that he did not see her. "I had confidence because in the plot, there was already another well done," he said.

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In turn, the pocero said that covered the well with a stone of about 15 kilos which was later moved. "I called a friend to remove the sand that Antono had left me and took advantage of it to make a little shoe in order to build a retaining wall as he was dripping sand and The sand that was there was not for a house, it was for a containment wall and I was going to use it to build the concrete wall ", has declared the owner of the farm. That's why – it maintains – there was a moat, that's why there was a well and that's why there were concrete blocks in place of the tragedy.

Serrano says that the day Julen fell, he had blocked the well with two concrete blocks. "I warned of the danger that there was, that someone could put their foot in and crack it, but I never thought that it might fall." a child, "he said.

In a series of photos – sent by security forces to the judge of the case – you can see the paellera, rice, meat, drinks and plastic chairs that were going to be used at this family reunion .

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"That day I I was preparing the fire when the child rushed between the two concrete blocks. The child played when I heard terrifying voices and when I got closer, I saw that the child had fallen between the two blocks and had disappeared, "he repeated.

His version is consistent: Julen fell into a well blocked by two blocks of concrete. The baby fell among them. In the middle of the press conference, Serrano said that he could not continue. Before leaving, he closed his testimony with a sentence that removed the speculation that he was fighting with the baby's parents. "I have a two year old daughter who was also playing with Julen. It could have been her and I will never forgive myself. "


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