The owners of falsified passports of Iranians have appeared | Chronic


Suspicions of migrations against Sajjad Samiel Naseran and Mashoreh Sabzali It all began when the staff noticed several spelling mistakes, in Hebrew, of the Israeli pbadports he had presented at Ezeiza International Airport.

The authorities immediately found that the documents had been stolen and that the fraudsters were arrested after four days of entering Argentina. The couple was accused of ideological lies and is the subject of an investigation by the federal judge Luis Rodríguez and the prosecutor Jorge Di Lello.

I also read: They deny the release of Iranians entered with fake pbadports

The real owners, David Assouline and Brigitte Assouline, they discovered what happened to the media: "What happened surprised us, we learned this morning, on television, that they had used our documents, and no authority contacted us.", said the pbadport holder by which this 30-year-old woman, of Iranian origin, had the habit of entering the country.

The Iranians had arrived in Argentina via Madrid, through an Air Europa flight, under the false identity of Netanel Toledano and Rivka Toledano.

Judicial sources claimed that the defendants did not specifically use the documents complained of, but instead carried pbadports with the identities of David and Brigitte Assouline.

I also read: One of the Iranians explained why he had entered the country illegally

In dialogue with the French channel I24news, the couple told Isarael in Jerusalem that he had stolen the documentation on a scale similar to that he had made on a flight in Geneva, Switzerland. "We were in a bar with friends and three thieves badaulted us, if I understood correctly, one of them was arrested at the airport"Reminds Brigitte.


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