The painful premonition of Johana Rodríguez on the death of her son


August 4, 2019
– 09:08

The cumbia singer had a dream when she was eight months pregnant. He said that it was difficult to go forward: "I have been depressed for two years"

The singer of cumbia Johana Rodriguez He had a deep premonition in the pain he had had before learning of the death of his son that he had carried in his belly in the eighth month and which had cost him a two-year depression.

"Junior was my son's name … he's calling because he's still not gone for me", began the interpreter of the song "The best version of me".

He therefore told the guests of Telefé's We Can Talk show that, when he was in the eighth month of pregnancy, he dreamed that "he was walking in the sea of ​​my country with a drawer white by hand ".


Rodriguez insisted that it was a warning that the doctor was going to tell him after an ultrasound: "Listen, Mom, it's been 72 hours since your baby's heart stopped beating."

"But two days ago, I went to the doctor to monitor me and he told me that the delivery was going to take me because the baby was in position, but for some reason of destiny, he did not do the surveillance, he did not feel my heart my son, and able if I had had a caesarean, my son would have been alive ", did he -he declares.


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