The parents of Lola Chomnalez, after the arrest of a new suspect: "It is difficult to describe how we feel"


Lola Chomnalez was 15 years old when she was found murdered on a beach in Barra de Valizas, a small coastal town in Uruguay. From this moment, the investigation it was erraticwith dozens of suspects, hypotheses that constantly varied and a collection of unsuccessful evidence. The news came from Argentina. The girl's parents have pushed their own investigation, decisive in recent weeks: there was an inmate, accused of being the co-perpetrator of the crime. Telenoche shot with Adriana Belmonte and Diego Chomnalez the places by where he walked for the last time l & # 39; teenager

Lola's parents did not return to Uruguay after their stay in Valizas at the time of Lola's disappearance. His presence in the region has had a direct impact on Uruguayan justice. Ángel Moreira, nicknamed "El Cachila", 33 years old, was arrested for the second time in the case, on this occasion, accused of being the co-author of the murder of the girl.

"I came when we were looking for the 29th of December, but we never came back," Diego told Sebastián Domenech, special envoy of eltrece. "We think those who killed Lola are in this place. I think it's plural, who, but who? I hope this will happen, "Adriana risked.

Together with the team TelenocheAdriana and Diego crossed the place where, according to the cause, Lola was before heading to the coast. There, during the hours when the girl did not show up, her parents put photocopies on her face. "They stuck their image throughout the city of Valizas", counted the woman.

Lola's mother commented that at that time they were shocked, but at four and a half years, the current situation was different. "We are going on a pilgrimage. we go there do not stay in search, "he said.

Lola was found strangled on a beach in this city a few days after her disappearance. Facing the coast where her daughter was killed, Adriana reflected on her feelings after almost five years. "It's hard to describe, it's intense, I can not say it, I feel we're on the right track, it's not the energy I love most, but I think Lola took it as the last image. the sea of ​​this place", closed.

The new hypotheses of the case

The case has taken a new impetus in Uruguay over the past two weeks. The new prosecutor of the case, Jorge Vaz, understood that the statements of "El Cachila" and another man, called "El Conejo", who testified as a witness and were free, were essential.

The 15-year-old girl was on Saturday, December 27, 2014 at her godmother's house, Claudia Fernández, who was with her husband, Hernán Tuzinkevich, and their son. The next day, the teenager is gone when he went to walk. A few days later, she was found murdered four kilometers from the house, in a dune area.

Lola was 15 years old when she was murdered on a beach in Uruguay.
Lola was 15 years old when she was murdered on a beach in Uruguay.

The autopsy proved that Lola He died of asphyxiation by suffocation and that he had several cuts made with a stab in different parts of the body. During the investigation, about 40 people, including Lola's godmother and her husband, who never again contacted the Chomnalez family, were arrested as suspects and then released, while various clues were followed and then rejected.

The son-in-law of Lola's 14-year-old godmother, who was with them in Valizas, was also the subject of a DNA study, although this study is also negative. One of the problems that does not close the family is all about the discovery of Lola's backpack, found on the beach on January 14, 2015. it's almost two weeks later that they found her murdered.

Inside the backpack, along with other personal belongings, was found a beach towel that carried a stain of blood. Since then, this genetic material has been compared to that of all the inmates who were responsible for it. but he always gave negative and that's why all were released.


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