The pariah of Mariano Iúdica who irritated the voters of Macri


Mariano Iúdica he had a strong explosion in the air Involved (America) with whom he discussed the support of a large part of the Argentine population to the president Mauricio Macri and mocked the call that he had been making for a month under the slogan "If we can" and that he made a massive march on Avenida 9 de Julio in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires last Saturday, October 19th.

The controversial moment occurred when, in the program, they debated the strong message that the filmmaker and activist of Together for Change has published, Juan José Campanella, on the role of journalism in the management of executive power over the last four years, claiming that they were responsible for "Erode the exploits of Macri."

"It will be that he manages the guidelines, which I know, I do not know, will decide how much to put", said the reporter Diego Brancatelli, recognized defender of Kirchnerism who was invited in the study. After reading the words of the director of The secret of his eyesIudica repudiated his actions and denounced the official militancy.

"Here is one thing that they do not understand. You for more than you do it the walk of & # 39; If we can & # 39;, the chick of & # 39; If we can & # 39;The driver pulled, correcting himself immediately to say "walk" again.

"As much as you do all that and everyone is dressed in white, if you can not afford the light and you have to choose between buying the sweater and pay for the light … or die !, choose between that and pays the fees … it does not have any major mystery importance ", Argumenta Iúdica.

"There is 60% inflation and that makes you leave the Mandela government, I do not know … but there is no killing with that", he condemned, quoting the sentence "It's the economy, stupid", popularized during Bill Clinton's 1992 election campaign, which later became President of the United States of America.

"If all the numbers are worse and worse than the ones they received – which were already bad – why are there a million people who are encouraging this government that leaves these numbers?"he asked worriedly.

Although the word used by the driver has gone almost unnoticed on the airwaves of America TV, social networks have picked it up and several critics have criticized it on Twitter by users who support the party at power, thus generating his surname. Become one of the platform trends.

L. L.

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