The pensions paid by the Nazis put the German government in trouble – 27/02/2019


Controversial pensions that more than 2,000 people ask, Former collaborators of the Nazi regime, they are increasingly uncomfortable in Germany, where federal authorities are encouraged to clarify who is charging them.

The case was revealed on February 20 when Belgian MPs voted in favor of a resolution to end the gyrations of a German state. invalidity pension to 18 Belgian fighters who collaborated between 1939 and 1945 with Germany.

Adolf Hitler greeted the German troops at a military parade (EFE).

Adolf Hitler greeted the German troops at a military parade (EFE).

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The turmoil that provoked the case forced the federal government, which does not pay pension directly, to clarify this episode of the post-war, unknown even historians.

This pension system it was created in 1950 and should initially benefit the victims of the Second World War, whether they are civilians or military, including ex-combatants enlisted voluntarily or by force in the Wehrmacht.

Former SS men, concentration camp guards or war criminals are in principle excluded.

But the device could have benefited people who were not eligible, As he pointed out in 2017, without reacting at that time, the Green Party politician, Volker Beck.

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In total, 2,033 people received this pension in February, that in some cases can reach up to $ 1500 per month and that the newspaper Bild baptized as "Hitler's pension". D & # 39; they 38 are in Latin America.

Adolf Hitler and the director of Nazism, Leni Riefenstahl.

Adolf Hitler and the director of Nazism, Leni Riefenstahl.

How many people in total have charged this money since the creation of the device? The German government says that it does not know and it is protected in the protection of personal data so as not to disclose the identity or profile of the beneficiaries.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs indicated that removal of the device is not in the study.

Across the entire Americas, 409 people receive the pension. The majority is in the United States (250) and Canada (121).

Poles are deported by the Nazis in April 1943 (AP).

Poles are deported by the Nazis in April 1943 (AP).

In Europe, there are 1,532 to collect it. Only in Poland, they add 537, according to figures released last week by the Ministry of Labor.

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Among the beneficiaries in Poland, there is no record of "hangmen", according to the Embbady of Germany in Warsaw, which guarantees that every file has been thoroughly studied.

The total amount of remittances for these pensions amounts to 783,740 euros per month (approximately 900,000 dollars).

Young armed Nazis marched through the streets of Vienna in March 1938 after the annexation of Austria by Hitler (AP).

Young armed Nazis marched through the streets of Vienna in March 1938 after the annexation of Austria by Hitler (AP).

The German government tightened the rules in 1998 to prevent those who had violated "the principles of humanity or the rule of law during the reign of National Socialism to touch the pension". But this new rule only applied to those who have submitted an application form after November 1997.

However, the authorities carefully studied the beneficiaries and left the device outside of 99 people who accused her despite their dark past between 1939 and 1945.

Adolf Hitler with Winifred Wagner at the Bayreuth Wagnerian Music Festival (DPA).

Adolf Hitler with Winifred Wagner at the Bayreuth Wagnerian Music Festival (DPA).

But according to the Simon-Wisenthal Center, they are about 70,000 people who should have been eliminated as beneficiaries.

Since then no former SS or war criminal has charged her, or at least That's what the German government thinks.

The opacity of a device whose jurisdiction is shared between the regional states and the federal state is causing increasing discomfort.

Activist Serge Klarsfeld, who devoted a part of his life to hunt down and persecute former Nazis, said he was "appalled" by the fact that "democratic Germany expresses gratitude to those who fought in the Nazi forces ".

AFP Agency.



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