The Pentagon acknowledged that it was investigating UFOs


May 28, 2019
– 11:05

It was published by the US media New York Post following statements by the spokesman of the Ministry of Defense.

In recent days, the Pentagon has spoken the first words about the possible existence of UFOs. One of the spokesmen confirmed the existence of a secret government initiative called Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.

We know that there is a secret initiative of the United States government and the spokesman Christopher Sherwood He added that the ministry was still investigating spacecraft observations. The news was published by the New York Post which took over the speech of the Ministry of Defense spokesman.


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Sherwood said that "the Department of Defense is always concerned to maintain a positive identification of all flying devices in our operating environment".

Moreover, for the first time in his history, he added that "the ministry will continue to investigate, according to the usual procedures, the information that an unidentified aircraft would have been discovered by American army airmen" .

As a result of these statements, a former British defense official added that this admission "clearly shows that they have really studied what the public would call" a UFO ".


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