The Peronist gesture of Ivanka Trump in Jujuy which was a big hit in the networks


Ivanka Trump He arrived in Jujuy province to continue his tour in various parts of Latin America and visited many businesses in the province. During one of his visits, Donald Trump's daughter took a "Peronist" photo that quickly became viral on social media.

This is a photo taken at the headquarters of Pro woman, a regional organization committed to improving the lives of women and their families through financial support, business training and basic health care.

There, the daughter of the American president posed for a photo in a clothing store of an entrepreneur from Jujeña, make the "v" peronist with his hand.

In social networks, they played with the gesture of Ivanka Trump and even joked that his visit was a campaign in favor of Alberto Fernández. Recall that the United States government was an important ally in Mauricio Macri's international politics.

Ivanka Trump He arrived in the province of Jujuy to continue his tour of various points of Latin America, including: Colombia and Paraguay, which aim to women's empowerment, fight against drug trafficking and development of economic opportunities.


What does Donald Trump's daughter do in Jujuy


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