The perpetrators of the massacre at the San Pablo School were former students – 13/03/2019


The two perpetrators who caused a mbadacre at the public school "Raúl Brasil" in Suzano, San Pablo, were former students of this school.

This was revealed by the Secretary of Public Security, João Camilo Pires de Campos, although he said that he still could not determine the reasons that led them to commit this mbadacre.

The attack also left at least 10 injured, many in critical condition.

The attack also left at least 10 injured, many in critical condition.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

"That's the big question: what was the motivation of alumni," Campos said.

The attackers were identified as being Guillermo Taucci Monteiro, 17 years old and Enrique de Castroout of 25

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The first had left school last year after facing "problems", said the Secretary of Security, although he did not specify when he was expelled. or left alone.

Image of the attacked establishment. (AP)

Image of the attacked establishment. (AP)

Monteiro and Castro, covered with masks, used a 38-caliber revolver to fire at the students. They also had a medieval-style arch and Molotov badtails.

They first killed the owner of a nearby car wash, uncle Monteiro, then entered the school.

They waited for the break schedule to have more casualties and started shooting at those who were crossing it. They killed the school education coordinator, an educational psychologist and five students.

Finally the two attackers locked themselves in a corridor and they committed suicide.

According to doctors, there are at least ten wounded, many in critical condition.

From social networks, the president Jair Bolsonaro He expressed his "condolences to the relatives of the victims of the inhuman attack". "A monstrosity and cowardice without size. May God comfort all hearts! ", He wrote on his Twitter account.

View all celebrities' condolences of music attending a press conference by Professor Raul Brasil, in Suzano, São Paulo. Uma monstruosidade e covardia sem tamanho. This comfort Deus or coração of all!

– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) March 13, 2019


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