The Peruvian Congress warned that Pedro Castillo governs without recording his visits or activities and demanded transparency


Pedro Castillo (AFP)
Pedro Castillo (AFP)

The Peruvian Congress has warned the government of Pedro Castillo that it must publish the register of visits of the president, who does not work from the official seat of the Executive and did not give information on the meetings of the first days of the mandate.

I ask you to inform me of the way in which the principle of transparency will be respected in the activities and the recording of the visits of the President of the Republic.», Said lawmaker Patricia Chirinos, member of the congressional board of directors, in a letter addressed to the president of the council of ministers, Guido Bellido.

If the president does not go to the Government Palace, it would be impossible for citizens to know his recording of visits, which would demonstrate the lack of will to make transparent the actions and decisions taken by the current leader.», Added the member of the right-wing party Avanza País.

Since Castillo took office on Wednesday, he has worked in a house in the Breña neighborhood of Lima, where he also resides. In his first speech as president, he said he would not live or work in the Government Palace to “break with colonial symbols to end the bonds of domination that have remained in place for so many years”.

As provided by law, The Presidency must have a register of visits, published on the Internet, which contains information on visitors received by the President, with details of their names, who they represent, the reason for the meeting and the times of entry and Release..

Cabinet of Pedro Castillo, the day the portfolios of Economy and Justice were not sworn in (Reuters)
Cabinet of Pedro Castillo, the day the portfolios of Economy and Justice were not sworn in (Reuters)

This record is a regular journalistic source which in recent years has been used for investigations against Martín Vizcarra (for his meetings with musician Richard Swing) and Alan García (with businessmen from Odebrecht), among other investigations .

In this situation, Castillo “not only commits an administrative offense, but also a crime of omission of office (article 377 of the penal code) “, Constitutionalist Luciano López told the newspaper The Republic. The president enjoys immunity, so Congress and the judiciary could only sanction Castillo after his government is finished. But the prosecution could open a preliminary investigation and reserve charges.

For now, the Transparency Portal is not recording any of the meetings Castillo has had, during politically intense days due to negotiations and debates for the late cabinet meeting, which ended more than 48 hours after. the initial date.

Among the opposition, there is great interest in how great and persistent the influence on Castillo is of the secretary general of Free Peru, Vladimir Cerrón, an ideologue of the Marxist-Leninist movement.

The house continues with an intense police presence and journalists trying to define who has access to the president.


Peru: Pedro Castillo has decided not to live in the Government Palace to “break with colonial symbols”
Pedro Castillo completed his cabinet, sworn in a center of the left as his new Minister of Finance

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