The phone call between Alberto Fernández and Donald Trump | Chronic


The President of the United States on Friday called at 17 the president-elect, Alberto Fernandez, to congratulate him for the triumph of Sunday 27 October.

"Congratulations on the big win, we watched it on TV"commented the US president, who also shared: "You are going to do a fantastic job, I look forward to meeting you immediately, your win has been commented around the world."

READ ALSO: The United States congratulated Alberto and chose to "work to promote prosperity"

During the telephone conversation that the President-elect had in his offices in Mexico City, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Mr. Trump told his team the International Monetary Fund's jurisdiction. To help Argentina. "I asked the IMF to work with you. Do not hesitate to call me. We have to do things together," he said. sharp.

For his part, Alberto Fernández has conveyed his intention to keep "a mature and cordial relationship" around "Many common problems in the context of a complex situation in which Argentina needs help."

Last Monday, after the publication of election results, the US government congratulated President-elect Alberto Fernández on Monday and said he hoped he would "interest" to face the "Work to promote regional security, prosperity and the rule of law."

"We congratulate the Argentine people for successfully organizing the October 27 presidential elections and we are ready to work with Fernández as the new president of Argentina", the US Secretary of State has published, Mike Pompeoon Twitter

For his part, Alberto replied: "Thank you, I hope that we build a relationship of respect and mutual understanding with the US I am convinced that joint work will strengthen the bonds that unite us and help Argentina to return to the United States. development, "said the president-elect, midnight message. "


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