The photo of a woman stroking her son dead by a viral overdose | Chronic


Opioid addiction is one of the major ills of adolescence in the United States, but a brave woman decided to give the example of her deceased son, who was addicted.

Nora Sheehan from the city of Rehoboth Beach he shared a moving image of his son's body Andrew Jugler, who fell into a spiral of substance dependence and pbaded away on his 29th birthday in October.

"Holding my dead son in my arms, that's the image of addiction … that's what's going on", expressed comovida.

This is the image that goes around the world (Courtesy: Daily Mail).

Andrew was a young man who loved mechanics, very familiar, who was starting to heal with painkillers and became addicted to oxycotin. All his life was a routine until 2010, when his behavior changed after gradually ingesting oxycotine, heroin and fentanyl.

Candace and Haley, Andrew sisters, got involved in the fight to help their brother, but all failed and even the boy left his home and went to live in the Ekton Forest.

The situation worsened when the young man left his home and settled in the forest of Elkton, Mary, with a group of friends also addicts. His family begged him to go home.

"In September, while I was driving him in rehabilitation, he jumped out of the car at around 150 km / h." I stopped and started shouting. I asked, "Where do you want to be buried?", said to Nora in statements that reproduce Daily mail.

Andrew died on October 7, but his family could only recognize the body two days later. Authorities warned Nora that her son's body was breaking down. She had to prepare for a strong smell during the funeral.

Nora tattooed a letter that her son wrote to her baby (Courtesy: Daily Mail).

Andrew Jugler with his mother (courtesy of Daily Mail).

The wall mural of Nora Sheehan in which he keeps himself alive (with the kind permission of Daily Mail).


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