The pilots will increase the pressure on Ryanair with a legal battle in full swing | companies


The largest low-cost airline in Europe and main user of Spanish airports Ryanair, arrives with a new conflict in this country, this time in court

The union Sepla, with a degree of representation that is already around 70% among the 700 or so commanders and copilots of the company based in Spain, ends the presentation of a complaint before the High National Court ]. They thus claim contracts under Spanish labor law and the negotiation of an agreement.

The claim is identical to that of the 1,800 pbadengers of the cabin crew (TCP) of the Irish airline in that country. But where USO and Sitcpla opted for pressure through a strike scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, Sepla chose the path of justice without giving up other types of measures short term as well as mobilizations and dialogue with the government in search of Fomento y Trabajo to wear the shirt of the workers.

The pilots hired the famous labor lawyer Luis Enrique of the Villa, firm Roca Junyent

"We fully support the action of the TCP colleagues, who operate even with more uncertainty as pilots, "says one of the members of Ryanair's Sepla section. The personnel of both groups is under Irish contract and, to a large extent, through intermediary companies, but Ryanair pays in Spain for its pilots Social Security Coverage : "The cabin crew or this," adds the source consulted.

The intention of the Sepla is to go to the national Auciencia with its request in full strike of the Spanish TCP, which coincides this Wednesday with that of their colleagues in Portugal, Belgium and Italy . This will open a new battlefield for a powerful airline increasingly stuck by its own workers .

To complain Sepla called for an effort for its members and hired the firm ] Roca Junyent . Specifically, the pilots have the opinion of one of the most recognized workers in the country, Luis Enrique de la Villa .

Sitcpla's fighting position

Complaint. The union of Sitcpla TCPs, present in airlines like Iberia and Easyjet, filed a lawsuit against Ryanair last week for the possible commission of a continuing crime of coercion to their workers. He also has complaints before the Labor Inspectorate.

Critical. The group described as unfair the minimum services ordered by Fomento and regretted not having had a previous meeting with staff representatives while, apparently, there were discussions with the company.

Workers' representatives claim to have warned the company. company of its intention to submit the aforementioned application, after this augurs a long confrontation in which resources will not fail. Of course, while this impulse is resolved, the Spanish government has again put the magnifying glbad on Ryanair's work practices.

The germ of conflict

The crew unions and pilots have in common have not been recognized by the low cost as valuable interlocutors despite the growing affiliation . The company opened last year to establish relations with the unions, although at first it was reluctant to have factories in rival airlines such as Sepla, Sitcpla in future company committees. and USO. Ryanair delays the aforementioned recognition of the Spanish unions which lit the fuse of the imminent strikes and the battle looming in the courts.

All, the company that runs Michael O 'Leary holds the pulse and decided last week to cancel 400 flights with departure or arrival in Spain. A decision that alerts the Ministry of Public Works, which set the minimum services Friday and mobilize the inspectors of the National Air Safety Agency (AESA) distributed by the Aena network airports, to monitor compliance with the rights of pbadengers, as set out in European Regulation 261/2004

The power plants are trying to convince the government that Ryanair is escaping Spanish control over issues such as minimum services

The government gave the seal of legal cancellations of Ryanair operations, which will affect about 75,000 pbadengers during the high summer season as the mobilizations of the personnel.

It was the Minister of Labor, Magdalena Valerio who recalled last week that the Ryanair crew is guaranteed the right to strike even though it may be "very disturbing ". Subsequently, the Minister revealed that the new Office of Development is trying to determine if there is a legal basis in the obligation that Ryanair imposes on its employees, with a job in Spain , to sign Irish contracts.

] One of the avenues of negotiation, which would have been studied by Ryanair, is the establishment of hybrid contracts . These are labor agreements under Irish rules and with clauses that reflect the particularities of the Spanish labor market. Under the current framework, the pilot unions and the TCPs are trying to convince Fomento that Ryanair escapes government control over issues such as the minimum services themselves in the event of a strike: "It's a contradiction that the workers of Irish law, represented by unions that the company does not recognize, are subject to minimum services by the Spanish government, "they explain. Against this badertion weighs Development's argument on its power to regulate the strike of an air service provided at local airports.

One of the avenues for negotiation, which Ryanair has been studying, is the creation of hybrid contracts

Ryanair's labor policy has long been in question and is in September from last year that the European Court of Justice has offered a victory to the workers. In his decision, he established that they have the right to defend their labor rights in the country where they provide their services and not in the Irish courts, as their contracts state. The low cost was thus exposed to claims on markets with stricter labor regulations than the Irish.

Iberia tries "in extremis" with UGT to avoid the collapse of El Prat

  A Vueling plane to El Prat airport.

A Vueling plane at El Prat airport.

With the threat of a Ryanair staff strike in full swing, an agreement was reached Friday between ground handling services at the airport ( ] handling ), ] Aseata and the unions UGT, CC OO and USO to unblock the negotiations of the fourth collective handling agreement. This truce, which aims at the signing of the aforementioned framework before September 30 avoids the strike scheduled for the month of August in the network of the airport of Aena. When the mediation did not crystallize agree was in the case where faced 2,000 ground workers in Barcelona-El Prat with Iberia .

The Society Presiding Luis Gallego notes that the judgments scheduled for July 27 and 28 and August 3 and 4 are supported only by two of the six unions represented by their personnel at the airport of Catalonia: the majority UGT and Cesha . After the failure of the mediation of the Ministry of Labor of the Generalitat, Iberia urged to put the interests of the customers before to maintain the dialogue and avoid a conflict during the high season. This would occur after the serious damage caused to airlines operating in El Prat due to ongoing strikes in the control center of Marseille (France).

Iberia spoke Friday of a call to strike that coincides "with key dates in the summer, in order to cause the greatest possible disruption to users." And is that planned shutdowns can affect much more than operations of this airline. Its ground services team operates in a 60% of the operations that take place in El Prat working for the Catalun Vueling, Level or American Airlines, among others.


Unions, who complain about excessive workload, the lack of an industrial plan or the violation of agreements, request exclusive bargaining with the company because of the traffic dealt in El Prat.

A position that Iberia says has tried to resolve several local claims. But, until now, management has not been willing to negotiate with staff based on El Prat issues that affect all workers of the airline : "As such must be discussed in a bargain at the state level "

Iberia claims to be committed to dealing with these issues at the collective bargaining table, which opens in the first half of the year of September . But the unions did not accept this scenario because they would lose the strength to threaten a hard strike between July and August.

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