The "pirate" Johnson promises "friendship and cooperation relations" with the EU | Chronic


The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, promised to address negotiations with the European Union (EU) for the exit of his country from the bloc "spirit of friendship and cooperation".

At an event in Manchester, Johnson said that he would be involved in the talks and would not show up "indifferent"or"distant"But he repeated that for progress to be made, Brussels must agree to eliminate"undemocratic"Irish Clause: This security clause, intended to prevent the establishment of a physical border on the island of Ireland, which would undermine its economy and the peace process, was the main obstacle to the approval by the UK Parliament's exit agreement.EU negotiated by former Prime Minister Theresa May.

"We will try to solve these problems"said Johnson, who said that he will be proactive and will not wait for Brussels to address London with proposals.

For its part, the EU insists that the treaty ratified in November by the 27 can not be renegotiated, including the controversial Irish clause, but would agree to improve the annexed declaration on future relations. Bilateral Trade. Johnson had already foreseen that if he could not reach a new agreement with the 27, the United Kingdom would leave the block without a pact.

For this later, the new Prime Minister is already exploring the chances of a free trade agreement with the United States, which had been promised yesterday to discuss with President Donald Trump, during an interview telephone that they both held.

A government spokesman said that "both leaders expressed their commitment to reach an ambitious free trade agreement and to start negotiations as soon as possible after the departure of the UK from the EU".


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