The "pirate" Parliament rejected the agreement on Brexit for the third time | Chronic


The British House of Commons has rejected for the third time the UK's divorce agreement with the European Union (EU), in a vote that adds uncertainty to the date and conditions under which Brexit will take place.

On the day the country was to leave the bloc, British MPs rejected the agreement signed last year by the EU and the government of Prime Minister Theresa May by 344 votes to 286, reported the BBC.

The defeat was far inferior to previous pact rejections in January and March this year, but it is a deadly blow to the May Conservative government's strategy to leave the EU.

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In response, the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, convened a summit on April 10 for EU leaders to discuss action to be taken after the new rejection of the agreement in the UK Parliament.

Under a late Brexit agreement reached last week with the EU, the UK now has until April 12 to decide on a new plan.

The options are reduced to three: reverse the Brexit, request a longer extension or leave the bloc without an agreement, which would have very detrimental economic effects for the UK and the EU.

The British Parliament will vote on Monday a series of motions to try to devise a new strategy, not developed unilaterally by the government, as a rejected agreement, but by consensus between all political forces.

After her third defeat, May said that she would continue to fight for a "Brexit ordered" despite the new parliamentary rejection, which he described as "serious".

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But the leader of the opposition British Labor party, Jeremy CorbynHe said May had to change his agreement on Brexit or resign, adding that Parliament would have the opportunity Monday to agree. "a better deal for the future of this country".

In total, 34 conservative lawmakers rebelled against May and voted against the pact.
In contrast, five Labor MPs ignored Corbyn's request and supported the agreement.


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