The plane in which Christine Lagarde was traveling must have landed urgently


Source: Archivo

Theft of American Airlines in which the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (


Christine Lagarde
was traveling to Miami and had to land a few minutes before taking off from Ezeiza Airport

The plane took off at 9:14 pm Sunday and had to return to the base when at the height of Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos, suffered a loss of fuel and the depressurization of the cabin.

According to information at the Ezeiza NATION the pbadengers did not have to get off the plane. Lagarde was in the country to participate in the

G-20 summit
which ended yesterday afternoon.

Lagarde is 62 years old,
She is a lawyer and holds a master's degree in political science. She is France's former finance minister in the governments of Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Fillon and has been the main protagonist of the agreement with the Fund recently concluded by the government.

During his visit to the country
He gave a press conference to the Minister of Finance, Nicolás Dujovne, in which he reviewed the country's economic situation and outlook, as part of the agency's $ 50-million loan to the agency. country.

The day before, the Managing Director of the IMF attended the tango show of dancer Mora Godoy at the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK) with the rest of the delegation of ministers and the presidents of central banks. He also participated in a dinner in the fifth of Olivos where the first lady

Juliana Awada
served as hostess. Marcos Peña, Luis Caputo and Nicolás Dujovne, among others, participated in the meeting

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