The plane of the kings of Spain brushes the Tango 04 after landing at Aeroparque


The Spanish air force aircraft in which the kings of Spain traveled for their state visit to Argentina grazed with one of its wings at Tango 04where he usually moves Mauricio Macri. The incident occurred while the aircraft was already on the ground, runway approach who was going to receive Felipe VI and Queen Letizia, when there was very little light, as revealed by the Spanish press agency EFE.

From the Royal House, they reduced the transcendence to the Aeroparque Jorge Newbery crash and ensured that the collision did not cause any damage in the Airbus 310 of the kings of Spain, while the plane of the Argentine presidency suffered a friction on the upper part that would have affected only its table.

"The Directorate General of Military Aerospace Security has carried out an inspection of the aforementioned aircraft, corroborating the existence of a friction between the end of the aircraft 's aircraft. Spanish plane having affected the fuselage of Tango 04, in the upper part of the cabin area"confirmed the Air Force of Argentina (FAA) by a press release.

The kings of Spain will be able to use their plane on Tuesday to travel from Buenos Aires to Córdoba on Tuesday to attend the opening of the VIII International Congress of the Spanish Language. Although the FAA has specified that the damage in the Tango 04 "It was less than 1%."

This incident adds to the scandal that caused the arrival of Felipe and Letizia to Buenos Aires because after the landing, they had to wait nearly an hour to get off the plane because of from the lack of proper stairs to the airport.

The escalator that was to be used did not reach the door of the Airbus and kings had to wait for the arrival of another plane used for the Argentine presidential plane and which was inside a hangar whose access was delayed because the appropriate mechanism was not available.

These two unforeseen situations put the director of the ceremony, Marcelo Suárez Salvia, in the center of the stage. Releases were circulated, but from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they badured the site that the continuity of their work was not at stake.

Felipe and Letizia of Spain began their first official visit to Argentina on Monday with a wreath at the monument to Buenos Aires by General José de San Martín. They then had their lunch at the Quinta de Olivos and, in the afternoon, they met the ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice at the Palace of Courts. The delegation is also composed of Foreign Minister Josep Borrell.

The declaration of the air force

The statement of the Air Force of Argentina about the incident occurred at Aeroparque.
The statement of the Air Force of Argentina about the incident occurred at Aeroparque.


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