The plane of the kings of Spain strikes the Tango 04


The real plane had to maneuver in the dark in an undisclosed area and hit the presidential plane, causing serious damage.

March 26, 2019

The plane of Spanish royalty crashed into the Tango 04 presidential plane and caused serious damage with the tip of the left wing on the cabin roof of the Boeing 737-500. The government has decided to send large foreign aircraft into an area that does not have the necessary signage.

The Spanish Airbus 310 has been diverted to the industrial platform at Jorge Newbery Airport. The actual ship had to calculate the route blindly and, despite the expertise of the workers of Intercargo, the pilot crashed with the aircraft of the fleet Presidential Election in Argentina, explained sources of the sector The destape.

Tango 04.jpg

Source: Aviation in Argentina.

Source: Aviation in Argentina.

This industrial area had not delineated taxi lines and turns, as well as the parking positions of the aircraft. In spite of this, the control body, the ANAC, decided to send the King of Spain's plane, of considerable size, to maneuver at night in an unreported area.

"Without the demarcation signs on the ground and at night, it was necessary to calculate blindly where the real Airbus 310 was traveling, taking into account that, to the left of this plane, was the Presidential Tango 04 of the Argentine Republic, "they reported. the body to Aviation in Argentina.

Previously, this type of aircraft was derived from the military sector, but the government remodeled it for civilian use because of the growing number of routes used by "low cost" companies. The entity that depends on the Minister of Labor, Guillermo Dietrichhe has given this Aeroparque area exclusively to Avianca.

In addition, the government had Tango 04 in this sector and had to send it back to the manufacturer. Because of the omissions of the ANAC Tomás Insaustiwho responds to Dietrich, the official device has suffered significant damage to the roof of his cabin.

Similar incidents are paid by the company that caused the shock in the case of commercial airlines. The lack of skills of Dietrich and Insausti will lead them to ask Spain the amount for the establishment of the presidential fleet machine.


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