The plans of Macri and Vidal to get out of the economic labyrinth


Macri and Vidal's plans to break out of the economic labyrinth – LA NACION

Sergio Suppo

Then, his main concepts:

  • The 3.8% inflation indicator that concerned the government of

    Mauricio Macri

    Two other worrying indicators were added this week: the dollar, which is almost a sport to the minute, and the


  • There were eight consecutive days of increases and the dollar reached nearly $ 45. Yesterday and today, he tended to go down and set $ 44.40. This has increased the versions on the possibility of a level of intervention higher than that allowed by the

    central bank

    according to the


    But these versions were silent and in the government economic team, the idea of ​​waiting for the start of the new regime, already activated by the Fund, from mid-April, when it will offer 60 million dollars a day, will prevail again.

  • The dollar is still quite far from the maximum exchange rate band, which is $ 50. The government estimates that this is the end of these two weeks and intends to begin at least part of the liquidation of the agricultural sector.
  • The situation of the dollar generates great uncertainty and suggests that there will be a transfer that is not immediate, but inevitable.

    l & # 39; inflation.

    This is the most significant indicator and has triggered an increase in


    The government's move was expected to coincide with the UCA's Internal Debt Monitor, released last Monday, and it was. 32%

  • These three indicators are closely linked: the dollar is rising, inflation is accelerating and poverty is increasing. This is a very complicated economic badtail. The President this week chose political arguments, almost electoral, rather than arguments of a president worried about the economic crisis
  • Macri spoke Wednesday in Cordoba when he went to inaugurate the

    Language Congress

    and stated that this uncertainty is motivated by the fact that there is a former president, Cristina Kirchner, as an alternative to power. It is a real electoral ingredient, but insufficient. Bearing in mind that the campaign is not yet launched, at least formally

  • A palliative announced in the coming hours is related to the situation of pensioners and ANSES managers. A special line of personal loans for retirees and members who bill social plans through ANSES will be advanced for the next few days, at a subsidized rate, well below the rates currently paid in the market.
  • This is a way to inject funds to encourage immediate and personal consumption. Another step that will heighten the vigilance of Minister Carolina Stanley on the most vulnerable sectors of society
  • As for the governor of Buenos Aires, Maria Eugenia Vidal, she is more worried from the electoral point of view than Macri, but she has more advantages. He is better in polls and has a differential compared to the president on his territory. But, in return, the electoral regulations of Buenos Aires do not cooperate with her. She will contest her election during a single round, she has no chance to vote. If she loses, she does not have a second instance like Macri.
  • Vidal tries to concentrate in the places where he is very vulnerable, the sectors of the conurbation of Buenos Aires. Towards that will move the bulk of public works able to do so. Vidal will make a coordinated campaign with Macri, but he will also have his own profile in Buenos Aires, as he has to find his own constituency to ensure his reelection this year.

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