The plot of hate | Page 12


They attacked President Alberto Fernández in Chubut. That he was in a white van on his way to a school Violence against this government has become commonplace. If body bags can be placed in front of the Casa Rosada, why wouldn’t it be possible to stone the President? Violence echoes. The violent came to a conclusion: “This government is weak”. Therefore, it can and should be attacked in a negative way. This country is not good. He has a responsible government, which brings the vaccines, applies them and is under attack by the issue of “VIP vaccination”. The government tries to do what it can, but everything it does is rejected. in the meantime the media power and its obedient journalists set no limits.

There is good news with the release of Lula and the prison of Jeanine Añez in Bolivia. One for justice. But the right is not giving up. The attack on Kiciloff and his wife by means of a character that almost one, fortunately, had forgotten, was aberrant. The character is the forgotten Beatriz Sarlo. He has achieved something with this question that he likes very much, so he does everything possible: to be in the center of the stage. To make matters worse, with that suburban tongue he uses, he said “asshole” to a reporter. It is the harsh and coarse language of so-called “social” networks.

Violence is the visible and strident plot of the story. You have to see a documentary about the First World War that the director of The Lord of the Rings. These are all original materials, from those little recognized heroes that war photographers are. Is shocking. It was quite a feat to do. It’s hard to see. What this first so-called world war has is the use of poison gas, the blood and mud covered trenches, the crushing sacrifice of the infantry. It looks great in the Stanley Kubrick movie Hell patrol, perhaps the coolest anti-war movie ever.

Meanwhile, the bellicose here – as has been said – have placed Bolsas mortuorio in front of the Cada Rosada. To top it off, each bag has a name. It’s a Death threat. One of the names is Estela de Carloto. Sometimes it sucks to be Argentinian. We are? We do not stand in the way of those who put on the body bags. We are not in hate mode.


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