The poor Argentine defense of Chavez


An occurrence of


is to argue that the interim presidency of

Juan Guaidó



it's a coup d'etat created by Washington. Strictly speaking, the United States has delayed the decision to block the dollar accounts of the crude oil they buy in Venezuela too much.

Not only

Donald Trump

he has always walked slowly in this direction; Barack Obama has also refused to make this decision. Two reasons influenced. The first is that the humanitarian tragedy could worsen without US dollars, which is true.

The other reason is that the refineries of the Venezuelan oil company Pdvsa in the United States can only handle Venezuelan heavy oil; Many American workers could be left without work. The decision the day before yesterday, announced by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who seized the accounts of Pdvsa in the United States, surely answered the certainty that the days of Maduro are counted and that there will therefore have no more serious damage to Venezuelan civil society or job loss among Americans.

"We must not let the United States settle in Latin America." This is the repeated cry of the followers of

Cristina Kirchner

. Indeed, much earlier, it was Venezuela that set foot in the United States. The three Venezuelan heavy oil refineries in the United States belong to PDVSA, which in turn belongs to the Venezuelan state. Pdvsa's North American subsidiary in the United States is Citgo, based in Houston, Texas, and the refineries are located in the North American territory of the Gulf of Mexico.

Another reason for Trump's boring rhythm is that this US region is Republican and voted for him. Because, it must be said, Nicolás Maduro can stop crude oil exports to the United States while controlling PDVSA. This does not suit him (he does not have many more buyers in the world who support the acquisition of half of Venezuelan production, unlike Americans), but it is better that the dollars be embargoed pending a future effective government of Guaidó. . A Venezuelan badyst recalled that oil destined for the United States is the only one to be paid with cash dollars; the rest of the oil, including that destined for China, is part of the commodity exchange programs. Cubans, for example, send doctors, soldiers and intelligence services in exchange for oil. There are no dollars between them.

Pdvsa (Petróleos de Venezuela SA) is the most pathetic and tragic proof of Chavismo's ineptitude. When Hugo Chávez came to power, the company produced three million barrels of oil a day and employed 25,000 people. It now produces a third, a little over a million barrels, with 230,000 employees. Five hundred thousand barrels a day are sold in the United States.

The steel company Sidor has produced five million tons of steel under the control of the Italian-Argentinean multinational Techint; now it produces only 130,000 tonnes. Sidor was expropriated from Techint by a pincer operation for Chavismo and Kirchnerism in 2008. Kirchnerism, a softened version of Chavismo in Argentina, left the country in 2015 with no reserves of energy, livestock and dollars. After expropriating it, Aerolineas Argentinas became a base unit of La Campora. In Argentina too, the number of public sector employees and nationalized companies has grown exponentially. They are the same only the colorful discourse of Chavism differentiates it from the less hilarious message of Christianity.

In this context, a new Cristinista, Juan Grabois, who did not hesitate to talk about a coup in Venezuela promoted by Washington, made a difference nonexistent. He said that the non-Kirchner society (the majority up to now) is celebrating here the protests in Venezuela and the critics, the social movements, when they manifest in Buenos Aires. The protests in Venezuela will ask for the most fundamental things in the life of a society: democracy and freedom. Here, demonstrations of social movements are made to extract some increase in social plans to Minister Carolina Stanley. Can there be more difference between one claim and another? Whatever he says, Grabois compares Mauricio Macri to Maduro; it is to say that he ignores the legality and legitimacy of the Argentine president. New on a cristinista? No

Grabois also said that Venezuelan protesters wore balaclavas, Molotov badtails and other violent mechanisms. In recent days there were 850 detainees in Venezuela (77 teenagers) and 35 deaths by the state. Nobody reported that the police and the armed forces were wounded or mortally and repressed Maduro's name.

Grabois became known because he had some relationship with Pope Francis. Before the arrival of Bergoglio in Rome, no one had heard him name Grabois. He then had a moderate performance until his project to be named defender of the city, vacant for ten years, failed. The first to veto was Peronism, because this position belongs to the main opposition party.

Grabois is an advisor to the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, chaired in Rome by Ghanaian Cardinal Peter Turkson. Vatican councils and commissions have dozens of councilors who are never called. In fact, there are Argentine bishops and archbishops who are members and not councilors of these Vatican commissions that are never convened in Rome. Grabois also said in recent days that Pope Francis was on his left in the Venezuelan file. Who allowed him to define the position of the pontiff? An unbeatable source from the Vatican responded in this way: "Mr Grabois has the problem of getting out of his mouth often".

At the Vatican, things are more sophisticated. There is a permanent balance between the needs of his diplomacy, the oldest in the world, and the conviction of many prelates, not just Venezuelans. Boston Cardinal Sean O Malley, the Order's Capuchin of the younger brothers, is one of the most influential prelates of the Francisco papacy. It incorporates the nucleus of some cardinals who constantly advise the pontiff; He was one of the main promoters of his election to the pope. O 'Malley, who usually dresses the habits of his order when he works in Boston, has taken the church out of his city from the quagmire of pedophilia.

O & # 39; Malley just said publicly a specific phrase about Venezuela: "I'm disappointed that the military is not with the opposition leader" (that is, with Guaidó). And he went further: "Venezuela has inherited corruption and incompetence and people are suffering a lot." O & # 39; Malley often says things that the pope can not say. Who to believe then? For Grabois or Cardinal O 'Malley? It is obvious that the Vatican diplomacy is protecting itself as a last example of negotiation (even for Maduro to leave power) and, above all, mitigates social suffering. He had already done so in Panama when he had accepted asylum in the nunciature of Manuel Noriega, the narcogener who ruled this country invaded by American troops in the early 90s, until He is negotiating his surrender to American justice. Or perhaps it should be deduced that the pope of the time, John Paul II, was a friend and protector of Noriega?

An important source of the Argentine Episcopal Conference, who had been asked for his opinion on Grabois's statements that complicate the pope, took a notable distance from the social leader: "It is clear that Mr. Grabois is working on an electoral basis with Mrs. Kirchner The Argentine Church can not go out every day to deny it. "Perhaps no one, not even Cristina, asks Grabois so many questions.


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