The Pope, a guardian tradition of the Reserva al Zoológico


Completely the opposite. This new Motu proprio proceeds to an elimination. It illustrates the precariousness of the current teaching profession and indicates the expiry date of Popes, of Benedict XVI, who will not even be able to celebrate his fifteenth birthday.

Everything, or almost, in Popes,, has been dispersed, abandoned or destroyed. In addition, the objective is clearly indicated on the letter accompanying this elimination.

The Pope enumerates two principles “on the manner of proceeding in the dioceses”: “on the one hand, to provide for the good of those who are rooted in the previous form of celebration and who need time to return to the Roman rite promulgated by the Saints Paul VI and John Paul II “.

And, on the other hand: “to interrupt the erection of new personal parishes, linked more to the desire and the will of individual priests than to the real need of the“ holy faithful people of God ””.

A scheduled shutdown

While Francis is the defender of endangered animal or plant species, he decides and promulgates the extinction of those who are attached to the immemorial rite of the Holy Mass. This species no longer has the right to live: it must disappear. And all means will be implemented to achieve this result.

First, a strict reduction in freedom. Until now, the spaces reserved for the ancient rite had a certain latitude of movement, very close to nature reserves. Today we have switched to the zoological regime: cages, narrowly limited and delimited. Their number is strictly controlled, and once installed, it will be forbidden to create more.

The guards (or should we say the jailers?) Are none other than the bishops themselves.

All this is specified in article 3, paragraph 2: “the bishop must indicate one or more places where the faithful belonging to these groups can meet for the celebration of the Eucharist (not in parish churches and without setting up a new personal parishes) ”.

The internal regulations of these cells are strictly controlled (article 3, paragraph 3): “The bishop will establish at the place indicated the days on which the Eucharistic celebrations are authorized, with the help of the Roman Missal promulgated by Saint John XXIII in 1962.

This control extends to the smallest detail (idem): “In these celebrations, the readings will be proclaimed in the vernacular, using the translations of Sacred Scripture for liturgical use, approved by the respective Episcopal Conferences”. Without forgetting to use the translation of a Dom Lefebvre or of a lectionary of yesteryear.

Euthanasia is provided for specimens deemed unsuitable for palliative care (article 3, paragraph 5): “The bishop will proceed, in personal parishes canonically erected for the benefit of these faithful, to an adequate evaluation of their real utility for growth. spirituality, and will decide whether to keep them or not. “

In addition, the reservation is deleted in its entirety, since the commission disappears Ecclesia Dei (Article 6): “Institutes of consecrated life and Societies of apostolic life, instituted by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei They become the competence of the Congregation for institutes of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life ”.

Forbidden to migrants

While the Pope continues to deal with all types of migrants, in the prisons he sets up, any type of intrusion is strictly prohibited.

To ensure that wild reserves are not created, the Pope forbids any enlargement of the prison (article 3, paragraph 6): “The bishop (…) will refrain from authorizing the creation of new groups.

This measure is also akin to sterilization: the reproduction and perpetuation of these savages of the past who must disappear is prohibited.

This sterilization also concerns priests who will be ordained in the future (article 4): “Priests ordained after the publication of this Motu proprio, who wish to celebrate with the Roman 1962, they must address a formal request to the diocesan bishop, who will consult the Apostolic See before granting the authorization. “

As for the priests who already benefit from an authorization, they will now need a renewal of their “feast” card, which is similar to a temporary visa (article 5): “priests who already celebrate according to the Roman from 1962, they will ask the diocesan bishop for authorization to continue to maintain this faculty ”.

So, if it is a question of containing, reducing or even destroying these groups, the bishops have carte blanche, but if it is necessary to authorize, the Pope does not trust them: it is necessary to go through Rome.

While dozens of priests, often supported by their bishops, mocked the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith by “blessing” homosexual couples without any Roman reaction except the veiled approval of Francis through his message to Father Martin, future priests will be closely watched if they plan to celebrate according to the Mass of Saint Pius V.

Obviously, it is easier to hide your lack of authority by terrorizing the faithful who will not resist, than to control the German schism. As if there was nothing more urgent than hitting this part of the herd …

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