The pope accepted the resignation of the archbishop of Santiago de Chile, accused of covering abusive priests


Pope Francis accepted the resignation of the Archbishop of Santiago de Chile, Ricardo Ezzati, accused in his country by the alleged concealment cases of badual abuse and appointed an apostolic administrator.

The Holy See announced on Saturday in a statement that the pontiff had accepted the resignation presented by the cardinal, without however giving more details.

In place of Cardinal Ezzati, Francisco was appointed apostolic administrator in "vacant sede" Bishop Celestino Braco years, until now bishop of Copiapó.

The Archbishop of Santiago de Chile, Ricardo Ezzati. last July. Photo: AFP.
The Archbishop of Santiago de Chile, Ricardo Ezzati. last July. Photo: AFP.

The decision of the Holy See intervenes amid the scandal of badual abuse that shakes the Chilean Catholic Church, with dozens of investigations in progress.

Last year, justice carried out several raids at the headquarters of the Chilean Catholic Church, including at the Archbishopric of Santiago itself. At this point, prosecutors found a series of documents that explain denunciations of victims of abuse against religious of various congregations who were channeled only -in some cases- in the canonical sphere and he did not realize these crimes to ordinary justice, said the Chilean newspaper The third.

A few days ago, the Pope caused a scandal in France reject the resignation of Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, convicted of concealing a pedophile priest.


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