The pope advises women who have aborted to sing a "chick" to their son


Pope Francis, Panama, January 27 Source: AP – Credit: Tito Herrera

ROME.- During the press conference that he gave on the Panama flight that brought him back to Rome today, the

dad Francisco

He spoke about the tragedy of abortion, the need to adopt an attitude of "mercy for all" in the face of this sin and to accompany the women who have committed it: to this Regarding, he revealed that he usually advises them to sing to their children the "chick they could not sing for them."

"So many times (women who have aborted) should they meet the son." I often advise when they cry and have this anguish and that I tell them that their son is in heaven, that they are talking to him, that they are singing the lullaby that they could not sing it " he said, "And there is a reconciliation of the mother with the son, because God has already forgiven … To understand the tragedy of abortion, one must be in the confessional", he added.
Vatican News, the portal of the Holy See.

"The message of mercy is addressed to all, including the human being in the making, after this error, there is also mercy, a mercy difficult because the problem is not to give forgiveness but to accompany a woman who became aware of having aborted, these are terrible dramas, "he also said. "One day, I heard a doctor talk about a theory, namely that a barely-conceived fetal cell goes into the mother's bulb and that there is a memory Meme it physical, it's a theory, but a woman when she thinks about what she's done … I tell the truth, you have to be in the confessional, and there to give consolation, not to attack, it is for this reason that I have opened the power to absolve abortion out of pity, "he said.

Sex is a gift from God, it's not the cuckoo

Before another question about early pregnancy, he argued
bad education in schools, as long as it is "objective". "In schools, you have to give bad education, bad is a gift from God, it's not hello, it's a gift from God to love, some people use it for to earn money or to exploit others, it is another problem to give an objective badual education, as it is, without ideological colonization, "he declared. . "The problem is the system, what teachers choose for that or what textbooks, I've seen a vegetable," he added, expressing himself in Buenos Aires and evoking his time as archbishop. "There must be bad education, ideally at home, it is not always possible because there are so many situations in families," he added.

No to optional celibacy

In response to another question, he reiterated his "no" to optional celibacy, while leaving open the possibility, under certain circumstances, of "viri probati", married men with proven virtues, to be present in isolated areas, such as as the Amazon to small Catholic communities.

After being reminded that, in the Eastern rite, celibacy is optional before the diaconate, unlike the Latin rite, he evoked a phrase of St. Paul VI, which said: "I prefer to give my life before changing the the law of celibacy ". "Personally, I believe that celibacy is a gift for the church, I do not agree to allow optional celibacy," he said. "There would be only one possibility in distant countries, I think, in the Pacific Islands, but that's one thing to think about when there is a pastoral necessity, the Pastor must think of the faithful, "he added, referring to" viri probati ".

The pope also tried to reduce expectations around the summit on the scandal of abuse of minors by priests – convened from 21 to 24 February at the Vatican – where more than 115 presidents of episcopal conferences around the world.

"I felt a slightly inflated expectation, it is necessary to deflate expectations because the problem of abuse will continue," he warned. "It's a human drama in which we need to be aware, even we, to solve the problem in the Church and to be aware of it, will help to solve it in society, in families, but we must first become aware of it. , have protocols and move forward "


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